As the tall, yellow grasses blew in the cool winds, Hanuh carefully listened to the woman’s words.



“Well it’s about midday.”

Confound it! Like that is useful…

“You’re not too far from Stonevale, on the island of Scara Brae.”

Now that aids me!

The girl perked up upon hearing she was in Stonevale, on Scara Brae. She was on the island where her family had once been! Question was… were they even here now? Hanuh had no idea what year she was in. As far as she was concerned, her then teenaged mother could not of even conceived her yet! She was almost sucked into an intense internal thought process, when – the drow wrapped a large cloak over her.

“Are you hurt? How long have you been out here? Poor girl.”

Hypersensitive to touch, goosebumps covered the younger girl's entire body. Shockwaves vibrated through her body as she visibly winced – then, an idea… As this Lilly introduced herself by name, Hanuh realized that she had no idea why she was dazed. She could… feign amnesia.

As the rain dropped over the huddled figures, the girl pulled her hand to her still throbbing head. Luckily, the symptoms of what could be hangover or concussion had no need to be faked. Hanuh hated it. “I – uh… just woke up. I must thank you, but…” She shook her head, “I have completely lost my touch with reality, how I happened across this area. Well…”

She looked up to the dark elf. Her obvious clinginess to her upbringing shone through as she silently turned down calling her by nickname, “Svalesin, tell me everything you know.” Urgency ran rapid in her voice. Her mission must be attended to with haste! Her panting was in a rush as she started to sweat, “What year is it? What major world events have taken place? Do you know of a – Ow!”

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness caught her off guard. She lost balance and fell right into Lilly as she moaned. She was overtaken by the shakes. Words of warning echoed in her mind of how the side effects and consequences of time travel were unknown. For the first time in her life, the girl felt like she was drunk, with the flu, and drowning all at the same time. She could not even process the rain anymore as she grew hot. She fell to the ground, feeling as if she could fall unconscious, as she moaned, “Svalesin, please…”

She obviously was crying for help.