Her vision grew grainy. The dreary landscape seemed to pixelate. She closed her eyes, instead focusing on the words Lilly spoke. She was sure it would all click later, but as of now she just focused on memorizing everything – especially the year itself. The child continued to lean on the drow, “I thank you.”

The misty rain started to fall harder. Hanuh could hear it pounding against the ground. She could feel its pattering against her cloak and hood. As the ground transitioned to mud, she shakily tried to stand up.

“Where is the nearest inn?

The biracial girl's legs wobbled as her head swirled in chaos. Why did she feel this way? Why did she feel so weak? She realized she needed to set up shop in an inn, check herself over, and figure out a game plan. She needed to collect herself. Once she did, her mind and body would be better prepared for the trepidation ahead.

“I-“ She choked before continuing, “- Rest is essential. Please?”

She could will herself to walk, but that was probably it. Her eyes were still glued shut. As the sound of distant thunder cracked the air, she powerlessly waited at the mercy of Lilly Svalesin.