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Thread: Fae Conundrum

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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
    Grey Dwarf

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    Well, that be an apology I guess. It might be tha only one I be getting, I had better appreciate it, for what it be worth.

    Yvonne opened her mouth to say something, anything, but Felicity had already turned from her and walked away. Sighing softly, she closed her yap and frowned, refocused on sorting out the water she was carrying. Borrowing the grumpy teen's water purifier she set about cleansing it of impurities and diseases, so they'd survive another day at least. She poured it through the thing as Felicity had explained days ago, bit by bit, and put it in the canister. Boom! Hopefully she wouldn't notice her belongings were being utilized behind her back. She hadn't previously. The last thing the drow-dwarf woman wanted was another argument with her blood-sister, especially over something silly like who owns what.

    The liquid was worth as much as gold out here in Dheathain, where the sun was scorching and sapped the energy of even the most resilient hero. There was no way the shrewd trader was going to barter for it, when Felicity owned a water purifying device and a babbling brook trickled through the jungle nearby. The jungle was life-endangering to be sure, though if it wasn't her that fetched their water some poor townsfolk would have to instead. No, Yvonne had time on her hands while her companion recovered from the brink. She could manage the water herself.

    The grey dwarf had made a single trip into the town of Donnalaich during the last four days, to acquire some more water-skins. When she journeyed across the sea to this continent she had no idea the heat would be this punishing. She'd been drinking perhaps double her water in-take since arriving here, sweating it out twice as fast with the atrocious humidity. Squatting behind bushes twice as often to have twice as many pees was getting rather old. Her skin hated her sun exposure as much as she did - Yvonne had developed a sort of sun sensitivity, unless it was sunburn, sweat rash and never really recovering from either which she was cringing about.

    Yvonne took her pack off, giving her back a rest and setting it down on the forest grass. The caress of the straps across her shoulders exacted a stinging pain which she tried not to react too loudly to. Her involuntary response was a whimper, nothing more. The sunburnt half-breed sat down upon her moss-supported bed, one of few comforts, folding her legs and opening her herb pouch. She knew she still had some left. One could get plenty of uses from an aloe vera plant by breaking off only very small pieces at a time. Yvonne gingerly rubbed the soothing sap over her blistering skin, her cringe and crinkling forehead fading.

    I wonder how long she plans on keeping this up. This be tha fourth day of resting. She be getting restless, I can tell. Her wound not be too bad anymore, she be well fed and hydrated. Only a matter of time before she wants ta do something productive with her days. When she does that means we be going into Donnalaich I imagine, nest of fae magi, tricksters and witches. Tha least she could do would be ta help me understand what she knows about magic, prepare me a little for what we be getting ourselves into here... but no, avoiding conversation be tha least she could do.

    Yvonne closed her glinting silver eyes, letting her pained facial expression relax, basking in the cool feeling of aloe vera on her skin while simultaneously burning beneath the sun's relentless stare. Her pointed elven ears twitched, swiveling slightly, listening for unusual sounds throughout the nearby jungle wilderness. The rustling of a hundred thousand leaves and the calming symphony of bird calls played in the distance. Birds were wonderful creatures. They were her own personal lookouts. Birdsong indicated a region without predators. Silence foretold danger. The little mistress inhaled a deep breath, filling her lungs full, holding it... before exhaling eventually. She was essentially meditating, clearing her mind of frustration.
    Last edited by Yvonne; 05-08-2018 at 11:39 AM.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

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