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Thread: Fae Conundrum

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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
    Grey Dwarf

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    Nerve-wracking phobia-fright pulled her away and maternal instincts for the teen’s well being drew her near. That’s why she remained so still. The conflicting feelings counterbalanced each other - didn’t cancel each other out mind you. She experienced both emotions - terror and compassion - together at once like a hurricane of tumultuous water and wind spiralling in and out of control. The Alerian listened, meditating amid the eye of the storm and there she felt contentment. She and Felicity had an accord.

    The berserker understood a great deal about the effects her magic had on her, the results of it - what she knew from experience. Yvonne would have liked to understand the cause of its occurrence, why blood and injuries were triggers that set it off but it was clear Felicity did not know herself… and neither did that misleading weasel Daisuke.

    Yvonne committed his name to her very long memory. Experimenting on an impressionable child, having no understanding of what was to be injected into the poor girl. How it would affect every facet of her life. He had converted an innocent child into a living weapon. It was reprehensible. It sounded exactly like something her dark elven brethren would do.

    The slate-skin dwarf attempted to break her looming contempt before she blurted out something cruel and unnecessary. Perhaps in response to Felicity’s humourless laughter she decided to take the comical approach.

    “Ye don’t get hurt, ye don’t go berserk? Yer saying all I need ta do with ye be ta wrap ye up in cotton wool from tip ta toe, and ye be fine? Oh I can do that - I be having more bandages about here somewhere…” Yvonne joked, rummaging through the medical kit she’d acquired free of charge, at Zrazire’s expense.

    “Here we be, try this on for size!” the cheeky drow-dwarf directed teasingly, not serious in the least as she tossed the unrolling bandage through the air. It settled lightly and fully extended over Felicity’s lovely red locks and face. With a puff she blew the material out of her eyes, not that impressed.

    “Kidding. I know me jokes need some work but I be trying here. Come on sweetheart, just a teeny weeny smile?” Yvonne requested, bestowing her own fond smile upon the angst-ridden teenager. They both needed a little break from the seriousness of it all, to catch their breath and renew their courage.

    “If yer alchemist, this Daisuke,” she tested the name on her tongue and found it distasteful, “never fully understood his serum we may never understand how yer magic does what it does ta ye.” Her words sounded grim, grimmer than she would have liked, but the truth wasn’t always puppy dogs and rainbows. Her expansive mind scoured her thoughts, her memories, her knowledge, her wisdom for some kind of solution. An entire minute passed them by while she concentrated, silent. Eventually she spoke again - a strategy had come to mind but she wasn’t currently capable of executing on it.

    “Mayhap there be a way we might respond ta it after it flares up though. They say sometimes it be best ta fight fire with fire. A clever phrase, ta use tha same tactic of yer adversary against them, even if ye find their method distasteful. Our situation be a little different. We be our own adversary and tha tactic we be unfamiliar with, but if magic does this ta ye… mayhap magic could undo this too. Like one of those - what do those Raiaeran’s call it--” Yvonne paused, digging deeper through her memories of rare occasions when magic had been discussed in her vicinity.

    “--a dispelling spell,” she finally managed, her memory coming through for her. For some reason she didn’t feel afraid, afraid of the thought of a spell which would unmake magic. She felt hopeful.
    Last edited by Yvonne; 05-11-2018 at 08:39 AM.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

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