I know me personally I maintain several alts. (Nosdyn/Elthas/Lorenor)

With Elthas especially (Because I've written out a complex back-story for him) it's difficult to keep him an optimistic good guy. I've always envisioned Elthas as more of a heroic dood, as well as Lorenor. But that gets difficult to write at points in my solo projects which have a tendency to get all over the place sometimes. -laughs- But aside from that, I think the biggest issues I have with my own characters is keeping them consistent. Some of the mods who have judged my work have pointed that problem out in my threads too.

It's something I have been working on quite a bit. I remember doing a solo quest some time ago and I had let it collect dust for some time. When I got back to working on it, I had completely screwed up an entire sequence and I had to edit out the entire event so the event in question would flow better. Those of you who know me well know that I HATE editing of any kind lol. I'm the type of writer that likes to just write for the sheer pleasure of writing and as such editing slows me down a lot but I will do so if I have made some kind of really bad mechanical error.

But yes, back on topic I think the biggest problem I have is my own consistency. Nosdyn is a fun character to write as because he is a Demon from Haidia. So I use him a way to channel out all my rage and frustrations. However, I also tend to write my characters (And this has become more true the older I've gotten) with a tendency to make them gray-area if that makes sense. So my Heroes are more like Batmen/Punisher, and my Villains have some kind of a twisted sense of honor code. But yeah I'll chime in more later in this thread.
