The greatest challenge for me with Shinsou is dealing with the fallout of the Gisela pairing against Storm, who IC was a staunch ally and a partner. It may seem ridiculous, but me being pitted against Storm in the tournament completely went against everything me and him had built with our Cleansing Corruption JC and were building with the Brotherhood and, because of the nature of the tournament, we felt obliged to "follow the leader" and create a storyline that underpinned why the two would even be fighting in the first place. It was like Shinsou's plot had been taken over and shit on by Rian Johnson after careful nurturing by JJ Abrams. I lost pretty much all motivation for the tournament after that (sorry Storm) because I couldn't buy into the direction it forced on us, and even though we attempted to find a way around it, I felt it was too forced and artificial.

To somehow get past all this, I ended up writing a complete tangent arc where Shin resigned his commission in the Brotherhood. This was the exact opposite of what I wanted and if it weren't for Shinsou and Breaker / Philomel having a seperate, reasonably justifiable story together I probably would have either killed Shinsou off entirely or started a new character.

Which, by the way, I am still considering.