Ahh, I see. In that case, thanks for keeping track!

Alright... we've got a few issues to iron out.

Yvonne’s willpower multiplier may be applied as spell potency during a thread’s climactic moment or emotional turmoil
I'm afraid I don't quite understand what applying willpower as spell potency means. Could you find a different way of expressing this?

Awakened Magic: Yvonne is able to manipulate the elements through force of will; air, earth, fire and water. These elements must be within her proximity in order to be drawn upon, shaped and utilized. The range she can reach is equivalent to her Willpower modifier, 1 foot for every 1% Willpower. Thus she cannot hurl a fireball in a frozen environment without first lighting a torch or creating a campfire, must stay within range and too potent a fireball will snuff out the campfire. There are spell foci she can use to substitute for elements or to amplify spell potency - gemstones, herbs, oddities (elementals) and unusual wildlife.

She is capable of magical healing and harm but has an inclination for beneficial and protective magic, defensive spells of which her casting duration is often much shorter. Her offensive spells often take so long to cast they become ritualistic in nature, however if left unchecked or uninterrupted (seriously, cast silence, slug her with a war hammer or run away, dummy), can be devastating and powerful when compared with an average mage. She’s of little use in a duel where her magic is only swift enough to defend herself, however during large-scale engagements (like siege warfare) with many allies to defend her, she becomes a dangerous high priority target.

Yvonne has received no magic-specific tutoring or instruction from an experienced mage, but would benefit greatly if that became the case. Her talent is hereditary through the dwarven bloodline of Mythrilmantles, with every second generation of female gender only having the talent (grandmother and granddaughter, and down to the granddaughter’s granddaughter). No male Mythrilmantle dwarves have been recorded with the talent. The counterbalance to her awakened magic is her magic phobia, or rather her phobia of dark elven magic-prejudice.
This ability is going to need either some downgrading or some significant clarification (and even then, probably some downgrading as well). Right now I'm reading it as about six abilities rolled into one - the manipulation of each element counts as a separate ability, as does healing and harm. My first suggestion would be that you separate them into three abilities - "elemental manipulation", "healing", and "harm". Healing and harm will need a lot more specifications than are currently present (for example, what's the worst wound she can heal? how many times per day? what's the worst harm she can do? etc). I'll also need more specifics regarding how long it takes her to cast offensive and defensive spells, and again, some idea of her maximum output would be helpful.

I know that probably sounds like a lot, but I'm here to help you work through it. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Otherwise, apply the changes I've suggested as best you can, and we'll work from there.