Traveling with The Vestige proved to come with certain advantages. Lilly never had to think about where to go next, she would have others to converse with, and she did not have to concern herself with ensuring she was carrying ample supplies. However, traveling alone came with other unique advantages. The Vestige mostly stuck to Raiaera, believing that the rest of Althanas faltered in comparison to the magic of the High Elven home. Now, freed from the rules of their order, Lilly could finally see Concordia.

A supposedly luscious forest filled with life, historical ruins, and likely some forms of magic. If she encountered the arcane here she had come prepared to look but not touch. If the mysteries of magecraft eluded her on this journey that was ok too... the young woman severely needed a bit of sightseeing. The Vestige never took vacations.

Dirt was trampled under the dark elf’s boots as the aromas of pollen and tree sap filled the humid air. Vibrant shades of greenery dotted the horizon, a reminder of the might of the Concordian trees. Noisily surrounding the Alerian elf was the song of birds and the buzzing of insects. She continued along the paths as she was instructed when she stepped foot upon the soil of Corone. “Don’t stray from the path,” was the warning issued.

This would be much more pleasant with a few less bugs and some cooler weather, the young woman thought as she wiped a tinge of sweat from her forehead.

Opening a compartment on her gauntlet she shot a quick glance at the compass housed near her left wrist. She was still heading due west, as intended, a bit off center of the rising sun. Her eyes moved over slightly to view the watch she built, informing her it was late morning. As she tinkered with her device thoughts distracted the young elf. Where would she go after this? Should she continue with her study of magic or pursue a safer area of study? Come what may.

Lilly’s thoughts were interrupted by the sudden change of scenery. There were still trees but they seemed... different. Lived in. She had read books that the old elves lived in trees, like squirrels! But she was almost certain that the old elves had left those ways behind. It seemed so odd. Living with vermin, always smelling of pine or elm.

Old elves are very strange.

She stood there, mouth agape, in the town center. Her dark complexion out of place amongst the paler tree elves. The mail carrier noticed the lovely dark elf and nearly stopped to speak with her but his duties would prevent him from taking a break to satisfy his curiosity.