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  1. #1

    EXP: 6,386, Level: 3
    Level completed: 35%, EXP required for next Level: 2,614
    Level completed: 35%,
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    Elthas's Avatar


    Forest Elf

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    Elthas was about to enter his ancestral home when something happened.

    His mind stopped for a moment and he felt a pang of emotion. This...sensation... Before he knew it reality shifted in his mind's eye as The Great Tree blessed Elthas with a vision of sort. He saw a great battlefield that was before him. Blurred, full of fire and oppressing sort of image. The sounds of conflict and weaponry filled the air as a host of Elves descended upon a rogue military outfit. The leader of that outfit...? Elthas could only view in horror as he saw that he was about to kill his own Father. Halm Bellthasar...the betrayer. A voice filled his mind.

    "Son of Bellthasar." The Great Tree whispered in his mind. "This is a great tragedy that must not come to pass. Halm has a much deeper role to save in all this. ~Save HIM~. That is now your sworn duty to me." Elthas watched himself fight Halm for a long moment and then the vision faded. He placed a hand on his forehead as a feeling of light-headedness struck him.

    He had to sit down someplace as the feeling was almost overwhelming. He was relatively near to the woman who had just arrived and well within plain sight. Elthas blinked a few times and turned around seeing the dark elf for the first time. And was enthralled by the specimen before him. Elthas held no inherent racism towards any of Althanas's people. He simply respected all life. He stared at her as the feeling of being intensely light headed came to pass. He adjusted his fedora for a moment and looked at the woman. Then he remembered his manners. A man of House Bellthasar never keeps a lady waiting. Halm's teachings echoed in the back of his mind. He walked over towards the dark elf, a handsome woman, and nodded towards her. "Hey there...." His voice was still a little broken after the intense vision he'd just witnessed. Maybe she triggered it somehow...? Elthas wondered if there was some connection to her arrival and the boon's manifestation.

    He cleared his throat for a moment. "Sorry it's been a long day." They were rapidly approaching lunch hour and Elthas realized he had not eaten anything yet. He wondered if the lady before him would appreciate some company. "My name is Elthas." He introduced himself, and offered her his hand.


    Nearby, through one of the Bellthasar Clan's house windows, Ellysia stared. She had a calm look about her as she looked at the interaction between the Dark Elf and Elthas. "...It begins." Elthas's Mother had a role to play in the events to come and that would be important. She stopped observing the activities of her son and the stranger, and went to prepare food along with the manservants that served House Bellthasar. A meal was in order...she always trusted her instincts. It was how she initially met Halm Bellthasar in the first place.
    Forest Childe...

  2. #2

    EXP: 6,386, Level: 3
    Level completed: 35%, EXP required for next Level: 2,614
    Level completed: 35%,
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    Elthas's Avatar


    Forest Elf

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    In his simple mind, Lilly had become more than ally.

    No...Lilly was a friend.

    He watched her put together the contraption she called a "snare". Elthas knew very little about how engineering worked and her explanations were quite precise. He paid attention as best as he could, but the more complex portions of the contraption flew right by him. He was not an idiot by any stretch of the imagination, but he was not versed in complex technological items was all. Elthas admired her handicraft as she worked to put together the snare. It was interesting to him seeing the woman work with her hands. That's a nifty skill set to have. I wonder if all Alereans work like that..? Elthas recalled thinking that while she worked.

    When the time had come that Lilly had to part ways with Elthas and his family, the fellow knew he'd made a friend. In the dangerous times that those were, friends would become very very important down the road for coming battles. When Lilly took her leave, Elthas watched her walk off into the sunset, he tipped his fedora towards her as she walked off. Drathis noticed that and walked up towards him. Elthas had a small smile on his face as he watched his friend walk off to her next adventure. We will meet again...someday.

    "You like her. Don't you..?" Drathis suddenly asked.

    It was a warm afternoon that day when Lilly ventured back towards Concordia Forest on her own. Elthas looked up and saw the blue sky. For some reason a thought entered his mind. What if there were no more skies like today...? The thought echoed in his mind. Perhaps a foreshadowing of things to come. The question lingered in the air for a moment or two between Elthas and his brother. Elthas looked at Drathis for a moment. "She's a friend, Drathis."

    Drathis grinned at that point, and ran his hand through his hair. "You like her though." Drathis repeated. "I can see it in your eyes, Elthas."

    "Drathis...if I did it can't be addressed until another time. Either way, having a friend is a good thing is it not? Why do you think I have to be romantically inclined to liking every female we come across?" Elthas asked.

    "It's have not had a mate since Hilda Terrentius." Drathis knew speaking that name was still a sore spot for Elthas.

    "That was a long time ago. Not that it matters anyway...she's gone now." Elthas never really liked talking about the past, especially about her...about Hilda. Elthas looked at his brother. "Tomorrow I will seek council with the village elders." Elthas suddenly said.

    "The dreams are getting worse are they not?" Drathis asked.

    "I don't understand it. But Elder Xu believes that The Great Tree has chosen me for some great purpose. I don't know about all that. But I do know the nightmares are getting worse." Elthas frowned at that point. "I've been dreaming about father."

    "You've told me that a few times. Been happening since last we met him, yes?" Dtahis asked.

    Elthas could only nod.

    "Yeah...I know very little about those daft magical arts. The Elders would better advise you than I could. But I am certain all these matters are happening for a reason. If Elder Xu thinks that you have been chosen, perhaps there is some stock in that." Drathis said.

    "...I don't feel like a prophet though." Elthas said carefully.

    "Perhaps. But you do have the gift of foresight now. Use it wisely, Elder Xu will be able to instruct you better besides. Anyway, Elthas let's go find something to do. Standing around discussing such philosophical matters is hurting my head." Drathis tapped the side of his skull for emphasis.

    Elthas chuckled at that. "Fair enough my brother. The day is young yet. Let's see what adventures are to be had today." Elthas said calmly and the two walked off into the depths of the forest elf town...

    Elthas' thoughts were on his recurring nightmares and the fact that they were getting worse. If something was not done soon, Elthas was afraid he would go insane...

    Forest Childe...

  3. #3
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
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