For some reason...her question threw Elthas completely off guard.

Who doesn't live in trees...? He thought for a brief moment. But then looked at the woman in her eyes, she had a fierce intellect and determination. He smiled calmly feeling somewhat relaxed in her presence. He always did enjoy socializing and making new friends. He rubbed his chins. "It's a tradition." Elthas began to explain. "My people have long made the great oaks their homes. The trees in this area make for particularly fine homes. My house is right there." Elthas pointed towards the large tree that was behind him. There were windows visible, and a door to enter and some lanterns about. It was all in all a beautiful scenery. "I live with my Mother and my siblings there." Elthas considered the next part of the day quite carefully.

"By the way, have you eaten yet today? My Mother cooks very well, I have picked up a few tricks from her as well." Elthas said calmly. "I'd like you to come eat with us if you are able to." Elthas said, inviting her to his family's ancestral home. Noticeably, Elthas never once mentioned his Father. That injury was still too fresh in his mind. The great Hero, Halm Bellthasar... Elthas frowned upon thinking that. But he decided to let the wayward thought go. He looked at the woman and waited for her response...he wanted to get to know her a lot better. Mayhaps...he'd made a friend that day.