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    Lilly Svalesin
    Dark Elf

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    Hesitation proved to be an ally to the elf of Alerar. The tree elf towered above Lilly as she was shorter than most other dark elves. Not half-dwarf short, but still shorter nonetheless. Looking up at him as he moved to open the door of his home she noticed the signet locket adorned around his neck. Perhaps it was a family heirloom. She was feeling cautious in the wake of Elthas’ silence, clearly distracted by something that was far away from lunch with a stranger. To contradict the lack of words though the tipping of his hat and his smile indicated he was still welcoming to the foreigner.

    Lilly crossed through the boundary of his abode. The inside of their home was more spacious than she had anticipated. Of course, it still looked like they were inside of a tree but there was furniture, a rug, and modest decorations. It barely smelled of oak in their home. Barely. In addition the home was well lit and abuzz with movement from the other members of clan Belthasar. Turning from the lobby of his home Lilly’s eyes went back to the forest elf’s face.

    His expression was solemn, focused, she raised her concerns, “are you ok? Something seems to be bothering you.”

    She hoped that she was not being rude but it would be difficult to converse and eat with someone who was living on another plane of reality. The thin shaded elf did not wish to be a burden if this was bad timing on her part. On the contrary, if her presence was inconvenient she could depart.

    It was always difficult though for Lilly to read people. Especially non-Alerians. If this wooded elf was a machine she could de-construct it and learn its secrets. In his current state though he simply confused her. Was she bothering him? Had she intruded and his manners were too great to dismiss the woman?

    For now she tried to focus on the aromatics of what she assumed to be lunch.
    Last edited by Lilthis; 05-23-2018 at 08:54 PM. Reason: Grammatical error

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