Elthas nodded at that point after he heard her suggestions. "Yes...I can show you it." Elthas removed the wrapped parcel from his packs. It was a decent sized bundle wrapped in simple brown wrapping paper. It was bound with a basic ribbon of sorts. The parcel's top portion had a seal...a family crest marked upon it that was not the Bellthasar symbols. It was from an entirely different clan or guild, but the Radasanth markings were also there. The word, in basic common-tongue, read "Requested". Elthas placed the parcel on a small table that was in front of them and began to unwrap it. He was careful and delicate not to break the particular seal that was stamped on the package's wrapping.

As he opened it, the contents were reveal. There were several documents present, including a fancy map of something specific. The calligraphy of each document was high Radasanth in nature. It seemed like some sort of official documentation, or legal papers. "Clan Shima is a house of Seers." Elthas explained. "Nenkulor is especially good at finding lost things. People included. The package contains detailed information about a particular individual I needed information on. MY FATHER." Elthas explained, and put a little more emphasis on that last part than perhaps, he meant to. Elthas explained he was tracking his Father's movements in a fort that was once used to house Radasanth soldiers...long ago.

Now it has devolved into a place where bandits a traitor group resided in.

Elthas still could not accept that his Father had betrayed them all. He explained that recently, he'd encountered his Father in that fort leading the rebel army. During that encounter, Elthas had cut Halm Belthasar's face quite badly and the action would have left a scar even if their best healers worked on it. What he'd requested in the parcel-form was a series of maps and documentation. Information that dealt with the exact specifications of the old fort. Further, he'd requested his Father's service records within Radasanth's army. Once, Halm had been a servant of the people and protector of the innocent. That life seemed very far away to Elthas now. As he showed her the documentation he nodded towards her. "They are planning something. Many will be harmed if their plans are allowed to occur. I cannot allow my Father to do what they are going to do." Elthas explained. He looked away from Lilly for a moment, and frowned. "If it comes down to it, I'd kill my won Father to prevent the worst."

He sighed at that point. Heavy footsteps came from nearby as Drathis, his Brother, walked over towards both of them and helped himself to a seat. "You mean to really do it then? Kill our Father?" Drathis asked with an unusually serious expression on his face.

"If he leaves me no other choice." Elthas considered that. I'll try to reason with him if that is possible...try to get him to listen to reason. Maybe I can still save him. But he did not speak that out loud. He merely thought about that situation. He took out the maps of the fort and showed that to Lilly. "These are the maps I was talking about earlier. It is heavily guarded." The last time he'd encountered Halm there, they'd barely been allowed to walk away with their lives intact...but things were different now.