How long will I stay? I was just passing through, I don’t intend to stay. As nice as it might be to sleep in a bed rather than on the cold ground I need to draw an end to this vacation from reality.

“I’m not sure if I will stay the evening,” she was so bad at dealing with people. Lilly wanted others to like her and it made her awful at saying how she truly felt. Re-opening her mouth resulted in a re-organization of thoughts, “I could stay I suppose.”

Damn it. Why did I, no, I can’t spend all of my time in this elf village. We’ll see what his brother is scheming and then I’ll bid my adieu.

As the new elf and the old elf trampled upon grass and fallen leaves anticipation arose as she continued to think on what Drathis was going to say. Maybe he had already come up with a plan to deal with Elthas’ daddy issues and then I, being the genius that I am, can step in and offer some truly keen insight. The breeze stepped in, interrupting her thought. Its cool winds did offer something new to the conversation, it clearly scrambled the wood elf’s brain.

”Are you considered beautiful by your people?"

Initially the dark elf was taken aback and stricken with confusion. Surely no sensible person would ask that. She must’ve misheard him. When the seriousness of his words set into her the shock and awe was turned into sheer anger. Lilly’s forehead furrowed. Her eyes narrowed.

Who does this tree elf think he is? I am Lilthis Shadefell. I’m one of only twenty-seven dark elves with pure white hair. Most drow claim their hair to be white when in reality it’s some shade of off-white, tinted more on a blue or yellow side of the white spectrum. I’ve had suitors since I was twelve. My family’s pale blue pupils are the lightest shade known among any family in eastern Alerar! I have a round face, a thin waist, and I’m very chaste.

Yet, this... creature asks if my people think I’m beautiful? He has eyes. Can’t he tell himself??

The dark elf, who may or may not be considered beautiful by her people, took a large gulp of oxygen and released it back out. Her face still scrunched she answered his question tersely, “yep, a few of them think I’m pleasant on the eyes.”

Maybe his brother had something interesting to say. Lilthis crossed both of her arms and shifted one foot out further than the other as Elthas complimented his sibling. This was the worst tree village she had ever been to.