Her outburst...stunned Elthas.

In all his days, never once had his singing solicited such a reaction. Have I offended her in some way? Elthas did not know then, but he hoped he would find out someday. He immediately stopped singing and was about to speak on the situation. However, lunch was ready and that came first. They ate in peace and quiet conversing over various adventures of late. Notably though, Elthas remained quiet the entire time he ate. His eyes were still stunned at her sudden outburst. For Elthas, it was the same as a slap across the face. He ate quietly and once he and Lilly were together, alone again, he looked at her. She asked about his parcel he'd received earlier.

Elthas nodded at her. "I hope I didn't offend you with my singing...I didn't even think to ask if you liked it or not." Elthas seemed sincerely hurt by her reaction. He really hoped he had not offended her in some way. As she asked about the parcel...he nodded again. "The package I requested from some friends in Radasanth. I was trying to get a specific set of information about...a certain someone." Elthas explained. How could he begin to tell her about the prophet, Nenkulor Shima? Further...he did not want her to bore her with the Thayne Codex. "The ally I refer to is one of them Prophet folks. A seer...damned good one too." Elthas rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I can show you the parcel if you'd like to see it?" Elthas sat down on one of the sofas in the living area. He awaited her response, he hoped he could smooth things over with Lilly.

Her reaction had hurt him...a lot. In the future he would be more careful about singing around her...