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  1. #4
    upon the cheek of night

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    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Breaker breathed in.

    Since he last saw Kinley, he had spent all of his time with warriors; hardened men and women who fought like they breathed. His behavior and mannerisms had become rough in that time, out of convenience. He could easily control his soldiers by striping his tone with a lash of anger. On the battlefield, the second of difference it made in their response time could be vital. With Kinley… other things were important.

    Breaker breathed out.

    “What has changed?” He asked in a soft tone. “Do you not trust me anymore? Is that different?” He stepped closer and took her hands firmly in his. “If you don’t trust me Kinley, then send me away, for I would not deserve you. But if you do trust me, you must tell me what happened. I cannot stand for harm against my woman.” His face darkened.

    “Tell me who has hurt you, who has damaged your home. What would Nymeria have done to the offenders if she had been here? You know as well as I. She would have ripped their throats out, torn them limb from limb. I will settle for no less. It is the natural order. Those who prey on others will meet their match.”

    Twin veins pulsed in his forehead, drawing a blue halo around his pate. He released McKinley’s hands and she backed away.

    “One day soon, I will find them. I will drag them out from whatever hole they call a home. I will bring them to my base camp near Gisela, for all the faithful to witness their shame. I will arm and armor them, and face them off against the weakest of my warriors. The freshest of my recruits. They will have a fair chance to fight for their lives, and do you know what they will do?”

    He was scaring her. He could see fear shining in her eyes, smell it on her sudden sweat. He could not stop. She needed to know how much he cared.

    “They will attempt to flee, and I will kill them myself. For they will know that facing the Faith United spells certain doom. They will know that crossing a Thayneslayer spells certain doom. They will know, McKinley. They will know.”

    She was shaking like a leaf on its last legs as he wrapped his arms around her. He held her until her breathing steadied, and her trembling stayed. He held her until the warmth from his thick form spread to her slender body. He held her until he felt all the love in his heart touch her soul. Only then did he let her go, and look upon her.

    “Tell me,” he whispered. “Tell me everything.”
    Last edited by Breaker; 05-22-2018 at 05:47 PM.

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