Trigger warning: reference to sexual abuse, suicidal thoughts.
Broken and tossed aside like trash. The girl sat bundled up in filthy rags, a foul odour emanating from her unwashed form. What was once a brilliant purple shawl was now dirtied browns and blacks, tattered beyond recognition. The fetid stench of months on the street. She sat crumpled up against the side of a building with tiny hands wrapped around the remnants of her tattered clothes. Unseeing eyes stared blankly out before her. It was better than Salvar, here the sun warmed her long fingers, and any skin that chanced to slip out from beneath the cover of her clothing.

Aynur was aware there were people walking to and fro in front of her. She just didn’t care. They paid her no mind so why should she pay them any? The only time they did approach her was to harass her. if right on cue with her own thoughts...

“What do we ‘ave here?” A voice as harsh as gravel. An inflection of superiority and one that promised unsavory tidings. Aynur heard the smack of tongue against lips, and the guttural snort of snot. It belonged to a male. Sometimes… sometimes this would happen. Someone would find her, notice her. Most of the time they nudged her for some sort of reaction, spat on her, or muttered insults under their breath. Other times they’d chance a look, it was usually the men who did this. They’d tear at her clothing they’d pull her up on her feet and- well. Some things were better left unsaid.

And it was why Aynur barely reacted anymore, nor reacted now when the man ripped the tattered hood from her head revealing milky unseeing eyes. She barely made a sound when she felt two rough hands dig into her shoulders and drag her back up against the cold unrelenting wall behind her. A unwilling breath was pressed out of her as he stepped closer to grab her chin. The calloused pads of his fingers rough against her pale and scorched skin.

“You deaf and blind lass?”

Aynur didn’t answer. It was better if she didn’t. She wrinkled her nose. He smelt like smoke. Cigar smoke from a cheap blend of tobacco and soot and poor red wine.She already knew what would come next. No one would stop the man, no one would intervene.

She was trash.

All Aynur could do was wish, pray, and hope… that this man. This awful man who smelt of smoke and felt like coarse gravel would be the one to kill her after he was done.

For she was too much of a coward to take her own life.