Nosdyn found himself wandering into The Citadel's halls looking for the thrill of battle.

One of those bastard Monks found him looking at The Citadel chambers and considering which ones were open or not. The Monk walked over towards Nosdyn and nodded to him. He was a portly fellow who had the false kindness that all Monks seemed to wear like a mantle.

Nosdyn turned his attention towards the Monk. "Was wondering when one of you would show up." Nosdyn said carefully with his heavy accent.

"Sorry for the delay, was taking care of a chamber with an open request." The Monk said calmly.

"Which chamber is it?" Nosdyn asked.

"I will guide you towards it." The Monk said, and Nosdyn opted to follow the portly fellow. "Not many of your people come to The Citadel these days."

Nosdyn nodded. "Haidia is in a state of turmoil and reform." Nosdyn explained. "But, I am not here to talk about the situation back...home." Nosdyn said, looking at the man carefully.

Notably, Nosdyn kept a fair distance away from the monk, not standing too close or too far. The Monk lead Nosdyn towards the chamber in question, where the boy who would be his opponent waited. "This chamber?" Nosdyn asked.

"...Yes." The Monk responded. "Be warned...the boy who issued the challenge does not seem entirely stable."

Nosdyn nodded. "Understood, can't be as bad as that other guy I fought."

"Ioder you mean." The Monk said calmly.

"Names are not relevant, only the battle is." Nosdyn said in response. He looked at the ancient chamber door. It was a lesser used section of The Citadel's blocks. "I'm ready." Nosdyn said calmly.

The Monk nodded. "Good luck."


When Nosdyn entered the chamber, his eyes opened and he was within the familiar place of a void. Perhaps THE VOID. He did not know. They were on a platform covered with sand, and there were quiet whispers, voices in the air. Nosdyn walked over towards the boy who was his opponent. "Ah...that was why he warned me." He looked at the boy and nodded towards him. "You're young but at a ripe age to learn the fires of combat." Nosdyn said carefully. The boy appeared to be playing with the sand that was on their battle platform. Nosdyn noticed that there was a subtle swaying to the platform. After his last battle with Ioder, in that volcanic hell like battle field, this would probably be a much different battle.

Nosdyn looked at the boy before him. The large Demon unlatched his chosen weapon and activated it. A mysterious sound filled the air, generated from the amethyst blade itself. Nosdyn held his chosen weapon with one hand, the blade pointing downward at a forty-five degree angle. He would not hold back on the boy simply because the fellow was a boy. In The Citadel...all opponents were treated regardless of the form they took. Nosdyn had a code of honour to uphold after all. He walked towards the boy and stopped a few paces directly in front of him. "We can begin at your leisure." The Demon said carefully and waited for the lad to start the battle.