The question lingered in the air between them.

In his time in Stonevale, something had happened to the demon. Once coldblooded and ruthless, the Demon had developed a strong sense of honour living with the people of Stonevale. he proved Demons and Mortals could live together in virtual peace. As he observed the boy, something inside rose up from within. "You're strong kid. Stronger than you realize." Nosdyn limped slowly towards the boy. The steel blade had caused more damage than Nosdyn would ever let in on. However, the veteran soldier knew how to deal with life's pains and desperation. The boy did not. Finally, Nosdyn spoke again. His voice was srangely calm and sincere.

"You've proven enough today, kid. I don't feel like killing you. I feel you are meant for greater things." Nosdyn said truthfully. He was a pace or two away from the boy at that point. "Regardless of the outcome of this battle, you have earned my respect." Nosdyn said and clenched his fist tightly. No. There would be nobody dying that day. Nosdyn decided to take the matter into his own hands, and would attempt to knock the boy out. "It's been a pleasure." He said and attacked.

He arched backwards with his powerful hand and launched his clenched fist in a arching attack towards the boy's head. His hand was clenched tightly and the knuckles had already popped. He didn't know what would happen from here on in. But he DID know that he wanted to keep the boy as alive as he could. There was something in the boy's eyes. Something that Nosdyn admired. He'd seen such strength before in his days. His fist seemed to slowly move through the air with exact precision. He wanted to attempt to knock the boy out. Hopefully it would turn out that way...