Nosdyn heard it...

Jake... The hour had arrived. He opened his eyes as he hid behind the tree. The comfort of the ancient oak helping to calm The Demon's nerves. Nosdyn could not help but smile in the dark. It is time. He stepped out of the darkness, and moved from behind the tree, revealing his position. His weapon at the ready. "...Jake." Nosdyn said calmly. He was a little bit afraid of his enemy, but he was glad that he would fight him a second time that night.

"Things are different this time." Nosdyn said calmly. "We'll see how true to your words you are." The last time, their battle had ended in a stalemate. This time though...I'm going to pay him back for everything that happened. Nosdyn's muscular form was tensed up as he activated his weapon. The blade simply manifesting as it's horrible sound filled the air.

The surrounding wild lands were completely quiet at that point as the two enemies met once more.

"I've been waiting for you. I knew if I left my mark on Stonevale you would come here." Nosdyn said calmly. Again, that smile was on his face. A grin really. "Age and time have not been kind to you, Jake. You are not aging well." Nosdyn taunted. "...We have unfinished business." Nosdyn said calmly.

He started to slowly walk towards Jake...