McKinley walked to the back door of her cottage. The last couple of weeks her and her love, Joshua had fixed her cottage. Joshua, also known as Thayneslayer, Breaker and many more Godly titles had been very persistent on an upgrade.

She tossed the door open, leaning against the door frame she let the thick summer heat greet her. The smell of freshly tilled soil perfumed the air. McKinley glanced at the garden she had planted. Little green buds had bloomed beautifully into sweet, delectable fruits. Her bright blue orbs cut over to the linens hanging out in the bright sun to dry. Her eyes watched as the fabrics billowed in the humid wind. Before McKinley knew it she was being sucked back into a similar scene but from many years ago and a completely different circumstance.

The day was hot, thick with heat. The moment she went outside it was like she had walked into a wall of hot, sticky humidity. Her orange brow collecting beads of sweat quickly. McKinley stopped to admire the wildflower garden that her Master had ordered to be planted next to the linen line. The sweet smell of lilies, daffodils and other flowers mingled in the summertime air.

The large wooden wicker basket perched on her slightly curved hip. She hummed a nameless tune as she started towards the hanging linens. Even in this sweltering heat, Kinley was overjoyed to be outside. Those stone walls that made up her “home” always felt like they were closing in on her.

Master Joel had specifically told her, outside to get the clothes and back in. No talking to anyone, no walking off and certainly no undermining his rules. Quickly she closed the distance between her and the linen line. Unclip, unclip, drop in basket and repeat. She was moving in record time in fear of getting more lashes from her cruel Master.

A strong arm snaked around her waist as she yelped softly to see none other but the serpent himself. Rupert. She whined softly as she wiggled against him to get free which only earned her groan from him. McKinley had dropped the basket of fresh linens as she tried to pry Rupert’s strong grasp from around her slender form.

“Please, stop Rupert!” Her voice dripping with plea.

“Shhh little dove, boss man is in his study and we have only a few minutes.” He purred like a feline in heat.

His hands wandered down her small form, gripping certain points along the way. Her heart clenched with fear as her bright orbs burned with unshed tears. She squirmed raking her nails against his forearms. He hollered out in surprise as she stomped as hard as she could on his foot.

“You bitch!” He growled.

His bald head heat with red color. McKinley anxiously scrambled away from him as he stalked towards her like a lion it’s prey. The redhead skittishly tried to pick up the wicker basket and go around him into the fortress. Striking as quick as a viper Rupert’s hand snatched her by her dress. The thin material easily ripping as she tried to pull away. The basket falling from her hands once more, spilling onto the plush grass.

“You are gonna pay for that you whore!” He hissed.

A hand was brought across her face. Her head snapped sideways from the force behind the slap. A mixture of saliva and blood spilt from her mouth that hung open slightly. Her entire left side of her face felt as if it was on fire. The heat radiating with pain the only thing that slightly cooled it was her tears.

“Rupert please..” She begged.

One of McKinley’s hands cradled her cheek the other holding the shreds of fabric that was her dress. The bald man’s hands were close as his knuckles white with pure hatred, aimed at her. Before he could land another blow a booming voice came from the side door.

“What in bloody hell is going on here Rupert?”

The both quickly looked as Master Joel stalked towards them. McKinley whimpered shrinking down. Silently she hoped he wouldn’t see her.

“Boss!” Rupert gasped shocked as the large bearded man closed the distance.

Joel’s dark eyes narrowed on his right hand man. “Answer me, boy!”

Rupert flinched as he was Joel’s senior but the man out ranked him. The bald man began to sweat, pulling at the collar of his shirt. “She tried to grope me and when I told her no that I was loyal to you she attacked me!” He exclaimed holding out his arms that had fresh claw marks on them.

In a whirl the tall, broad chested bearded man snatched McKinley up by her red locks. She cried out in a mixture of shock and pain. “Please Master, that isn’t true!” She pleaded. His grip to the root of her hair as she cried out when he pulled her close to him.

“Since you defy your Master now you will be disciplined.” His voice laced with anger.

A strong hand landed gently on her shoulder as she was brought back to reality. She yelped softly as a deep chuckle filled her ears. “I’m sorry my love, you seemed lost in thought. Where did you go? I was calling your name for a while.” Joshua Cronen wrapped her large arms around her slender waist as he peppered her neck and cheek with kisses.

McKinley sighed with relief as her tense body relaxed against her love’s touch. “Somewhere I never want to be again.” She turned glanced at the linen line, the clothes billowed in the breeze. As quickly as the memory had washed over her it left her. With each kiss Joshua showered her with she felt the life she had once lived wash away.