Being told that it wasn't a way to greet someone, Rosellia seemed perplexed. The Tainted Blade was often wielded by savage and vicious people, each of them kept a variety of companions, but very few were treated as equals. While the Tainted Blade had some vague understandings of social interactions through observing it's wielders throughout history, it didn't exactly know what kind of gestures were best used for what kind of situation. Believing that petting wasn't a bad option, it stroked the girl's hair, fingernails occasionally brushing against her supple skin. didn't hesitate to continue petting the woman even as she tried to deter her efforts with sound advice.

Not putting much thought into the girl's words about what was and wasn't considered a greeting, Rosellia instead nodded at the girl who seemed confused about why her help would be useful. In truth, this was a part of the reason that Rosellia did need help. An inanimate object like the tainted blade wouldn't understand the importance of her milky eyes or other things that were usually written off as common sense. It... was still adjusting to this world, to life as a living creature; an intelligent creature. It was for this reason, anyone would be useful, but it had chosen Aynur because of the Tainted Blade's sense of familiarity. While she said she wanted to get the lay of the land, in truth she wanted to learn more about 'people' as well.

Being gestured to an empty space, Rosellia was perplexed, perhaps the girl was encouraging her to find a seat and bring it over? For a moment, Rosellia glanced around for a place to sit before dragging a stool over to sit. The warm scent of grasses and soils was clear on the air from her body, her accent was surely from crone, but her method of speech was a little bizarre. At times the inflection would change strangely or there would be pauses in odd places as the Tainted Blade tried to operate Rosellia's body properly.

Sitting down on her stool, she let out a sweet chuckle as she leaned against the table. "Why don't you tell me a little about yourself? About the area? You mentioned something about a pilgrimage, is that normal in this area?" She asked with a curious hum. If the girl didn't protest, she'd begin petting her head once again as a reassurance. After all it wouldn't do if the girl got anxious or uncomfortable.