Sure, I was worried. But… I was also horny as fuck. I wouldn’t continually question him, I shifted on the spot, if we were gonna go at it again I’d hope it’d be just as hard. Rough. None of this fancy pants sentimental bullshit.

I ain’t got the time for that.

I turned to the bed, ready to shrug off my shirt.

But apparently, I didn’t have time for hard n’ dirty either.


Oops. Fuck my tits. I forgot about him. “What?” I muttered as I turned to glare at the old man. “Didn’t you say I should actively attempt to please your business partners? Isn’t that exactly what I am doing?” I gestured toward Breaker, a smirk on my lips. “And ain’t he look damn well satisfied, so what's yer fuckin’ problem!?”

He grit his teeth. “My problem. Ayaka…” he began, through clenched teeth. Voice hard as nails, and just as rusty. “IS that you knocked me out to do it.”


I didn’t do such a thing. That was fucking Mr ‘Im totally a Thayne but not really’ and now I were to get the blame for it? I glanced over at him. “Tch…”

He fuckin’ owed me. Big time.

“Yeh. I did. So what of it? You’ve been mouthin’ off at me all tha time, you gotta expect some repurcuss-” The old man had moved forward and socked me, right in my fucking jaw.

I wasn’t a fighter, I tumbled to the ground - next thing I had known, He had thrown something into my damn mouth. Bitter. Vile. Felt like acid goin’ down my throat. I coughed as Breaker thrashed through his bodyguards and pulled Jasper away.

“Bastard!” The not-Thayne growled. “What did you give her?” He twisted the collar of Jasper’s shirt until it cut into the greasy man’s neck. I wiped my lips. Shit. What was that? Paralytic? No..I pushed myself to my feet. I could still move, and such a thing didn’t quite literally burn.

I coughed, trying to wrench it from my body to no avail. It burned… it burned my stomach. Like a strong alcohol. “Tch. If you’re tryin’ to get me drunk you’re gonna need a fuck tonne more than that.”

Jasper snorted. “Never you mind. You won’t get what you want from me, and considering what you wanted would have directly involved her I won’t get nothing from it either.”

“I came here to broker a business relationship, you’re the one who made the mistake of giving me that potion.” Breaker pointed out.

His words carried an unknown threat. What the fuck? I knew that Breaker had come here for some sort of deal. I hadn’t been aware it had anything to do with me. All I did was make potions for the old geezer. “Fuck you, fuckin’ cunt.” I spat at Jasper. “I’ll make him whatever the damn hell I want if it involves me.” I assumed it had something to do with alchemy, what else would it be?

The old man turned his tired eyes toward me. “You sure about that, dollface?” he wrestled himself out of Breakers grip and patted himself down. “I won’t be needing what you have to offer. Unless it’s a new alchemist.”

I paused. Shit. Was I getting fired? This gig was pretty lucrative. Why did I take the fall for socking him one? Damn. “Well fuck you too. Good luck gettin’ yer patrons all hot and horny without me.”

“Just a damn minute,” Breaker started.

I turned to Breaker, “What? What do you want?” I was angry. Angry at him, for - well...for not fucking...fuck I don’t know. I was mad. I was angry at Jasper, for being a dicknozzle. I was angry at myself for letting him drug me. I needed to get out of here and back to my own hotel before whatever he gave me set in.

“I’m the one who put you out, obviously.” Breaker said. “She just happened to be there. Now what the fuck did you give her?”

I turned on my heel but the movement caused the room to spin, I faltered then fell to my knees. What the? Fuck. It must have been what he had given me. A sudden onset of nausea washed over me and I threw up. Vomiting over the plush carpet. Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit.

“She’s dangerous.” Jasper mused as he stepped over me. Old fucker was using me as a shield against the man. “One doesn’t do business with her without some contingency in place. I can’t fire her. So what do you think I’d do?”

My eyes widened.

He’d poison me.

“F-fuck-aughh…” I tried to swear but my words were lost as I emptied the contents of my stomach again. Whatever it was, I’d be able to fix it. Surely. I wiped my mouth. I couldn’t stop drooling. What… was it?

“I’d give her three days.” Jasper mused, it was his only clue. He knew if he told me I’d be able to whip up an antidote. Three days… I’d be fine. That was plenty of time. I’d just have to haul ass out of here, get back to my inn - get a few errand boys to grab...grab...fuck. My vision grew dizzy as I heaved up again, this time bile.

Still naked, Breaker kicked one of the half-orc bodyguards in the knee and slapped the other down with a flicking uppercut. He seemed torn between coming to me and grabbing Jasper.

“Tell me how to fix this,” he growled, “or you’re next.”