I took my time checking each padded cuff, ensuring she was properly locked in. No sense in allowing her to slip free at a climactic moment. I moved around the room, fastening each chain to a pulley mechanism that lifted them up and outward, forcing Ayaka into a spread eagle position on the bed. Her pussy lips seemed to smile at me, dripping desire. She was helpless, exposed, and all mine.

I paced to the wall, perusing the rows of implements available to me. I reached out, allowing my hand to linger on the leather handle of a long whip, and then plucked a blindfold from its fastenings instead. I returned to the bed and placed it over Ayaka’s eyes, ensuring she could see nothing.

She pulled on the bindings and shifted her head to and fro. “Breaker?” She asked, the bite in her tone from moments before melting away back to that subservient little tone I loved to hear.

Back at the wall I pulled down a pair of clamps connected to each other and a third, larger one by fine chains. I pooled them in my hand and then selected, of all things, a feather duster.

Ayaka could hear me and smell me coming. She writhed against the chains as I knelt at her side, blind face turning this way and that. I leaned over her, opening the first two clamps and affixing them suddenly to her nipples at the same time.

She yelped and arched her back, the thrashing becoming more wild. The chains held her in place so it did little aside from cause her to sway back and forward.

I took the third clamp and trailed its cold steel edge down her stomach and over her mound. Her breathing accelerated again. She knew what was coming, and could do nothing to stop it. I opened the clamp and let it fight down on the catgirl’s clit, drawing a different sort of yowl from her lips, followed by a series of curse words.

I licked my lips, somehow...her mad violent thrashes coupled with the heady scent of her desire in the air… it felt so right. So natural. So me.

Her yowling and cursing subsided into twitching and mumbling eventually, and I sat on the foot of the bed between her legs, enjoying the targeted pain the clamps provided. I knew pain like a baker knows flour. I could inflict it in massive quantities at a moment’s notice… but my bare hands could not do what the chains in combination with the clamps performed. Without the toys, I could not force a woman to focus solely on the sensation.

I was new at this. The old version of me, the one before the potion, was boring as fuck in bed. He’d gone out of his way to make sure his partners only experienced pleasure. He bent over backwards for them instead of making them… well, same thing.

“Who’s my good kitty?” I drawled, reaching my hand out close enough to her pussy that I could feel her warmth.

She shouldn’t have been able to move, not much, with the concentrated pain around such erogenous areas. Even so, she arched her back to push the heat of her body toward me. Her silence was disappointing.

“I didn't’ think you had something like this in you.” She began. I lifted my eyes to stare at her blindfolded head, curious as to where she was going.

“I have to admit, ya got me. Hook, line, and sinker - but I like putting up a fight.” She paused and her shivering lips quirked into a smile. “I want to play a game.”

I waited to see what she’d say.

“Try to take me, by force - you wanna see what my potions do? Go nuts. Fuck your inhibitions. Lets say the safe word is Gingersnap; no matter my reactions - if I don’t say that word you don’t stop playing the big bad wolf. If I satisfy you. You tell me what the fuck you are. I’ll guess throughout the night, I get it right. I win. If I loose - you can take some of my wares home, free of charge.”

“No one is playing, bad kitty.” I said casually, and slapped her pussy. The only problem was, I knew I was playing. I was on borrowed time until her potion wore off, and then the other Cronen would take over again. I needed another dose of her potion soon, and it seemed like she knew it.

I needed to think. But I could multitask. I took the feather duster and traced its delicate tip up the inside of Ayaka’s left thigh. She gasped and twitched her leg away, and I stopped just short of reaching the sensitive skin around her pussy.

“You have a remarkable tolerance for pain,” I said as I trailed the feathers up her other leg.

She chucked, “I enjoy this type of pain - now do we have a deal?” She quirked her head, “Or, are you just going to let it run through your system and wander off to continue business with the old man?”

I dropped the duster and slapped her pussy again, hard She drew in a sharp breath and hissed but she didn’t scream out. I hadn’t seen any gags on the wall of painful pleasures, so I climbed past the chains and straddled her chest and forced my cock into her mouth. I couldn’t think with her talking, and her mouth did good work otherwise.

Her tongue began lapping at me, hungrily. With unabated fervor. It danced around the tip of my cock, she was focusing on it - moving her head back and forward. I felt her chest vibrate and the sound of a purr rise from the woman.

Suddenly I knew where the next stop on this little adventure would take us. I ground my groin down against her vibrating chest and grabbed her ears, fucking her mouth like it belonged to me. I slid in and out over her skillful lips over and over until my balls tightened and a wave of pleasure washed through my body.

I slid backwards and pulled out of her mouth, enjoying the look of disappointment that evoked. I worked my cock until the sensation took over and I came all over her face, her hair, her ears. My balls tightened and relaxed as I slid off of her. I went to the wall and took down a fine steel leash with a padded collar. I fastened it securely around her neck and then unlatched the chains immobilizing her limbs and removed her blindfold.

“Get on the ground, on your hands and knees.” I commanded. “We’re going to take a stroll through the club and show everyone what a good girl you’ve been.”