...At that moment...

His mind was chaotic, it spun out of control for a moment when the command word was spoken.

Then he relaxed with a deep breath and heard the word of Stare speak in the night air.

Nosdyn opened his eyes at that moment again and he understood that she was now Master of his Destiny. Contract were serious business for ALL Haidians and the contract was made. Nosdyn looked at Stare with a soft nod and sealed the deal. He knelt before her and her. "I pledge my blade by your side." Nosdyn said calmly. There was a strangeness in the way he spoke, a finality. For Nosdyn, he would honour their contract to the ends of time. He stood up after a moment and looked at Stare. "My name is Nosdyn. You lead...I will follow. I will obey. Always." The finality in his voice was ever present. The Contract sealed with the hint of the future and of what tomorrow would bring.

Nosdyn looked around for a moment. "What is your Order? My Master?" Nosdyn asked and carefully looked at Stare with that mask covering his face. He looked forward, no longer seeing into the abyss, but rather, directly staring into the eyes of Stare...there was something in them. A particular something...they were hiding something within. But it was not Nosdyn's nature to question those who had contracted him.