"There." Nosdyn suddenly said.

He pointed to a structure that had the most vulnerabilities on the maps he was seeing. "We will infiltrate from that point." Nosdyn noticed that Stare had gone quiet for a time. But he did not question her, he merely allowed the silence to become all-encompassing. Nosdyn was studying the maps, carefully making mental notes of structures, weak points, integrity situation. The daughter would be left alone so he was not even seeing the structure that contained the Heysans' daughter. He would let her live.

The thoughts on his mind were those of a soldier fighting a war.

He studied the maps for a moment longer memorizing where they would potentially need to take escape routes should the mission go south. He was mainly concerned for Stare's safety over his own. "We need to secure an escape route. Just in case." Nosdyn did not doubt their capacity to succeed, he'd caused a LOT of people a LOT of damage on a similar scale. Images of his enemy, Jake, flashed in his mind for a moment and that burning building that had collapsed practically on his head. His hatred of Jake had kept him alive that time. She spoke at that point and Nosdyn nodded.

Nosdyn was aware that Stare was a mysterious woman that had some considerable skill levels.

He did not know the extend of her power however...he could only guess at it. "Stare...before we head to the enemy's House..." Nosdyn had a plan. "We will need torches, or some way to cause fires." Nosdyn was determined to utterly DESTROY their enemy. He'd studied the structures, simple Raiaera design that was not immune to fire's touch. He was willing to destroy everything that the man they were going to face owned. But he needed to be certain it could be done.

Already, his mind was acting quickly.

Planning, making strategies and tactics.

Nosdyn was a Demon fighting for the other side, and he was about to unleash his fury upon a new enemy.

Thaynes help all who got in their way...