Nosdyn followed Stare without a single complaint...not even when her claws gently broke skin once in a while.

He was used to pain...the path of a soldier was full of pain and sacrifice...and loss.

Nosdyn observed Vitruvion...the man had a ferocity hiding in his eyes...something lurked there. Nosdyn head before that some Thayne liked to take the form of Humes to do their business on Althanas...maybe that was one such case? "Kenku..." Nosdyn repeated the word for a moment as he looked at Stare with a nod. "What I am doing outside of the Tular a complex matter. I initially followed my squadron through a portal that we found some time ago. In my youth. My squad disbanded some time after...but I decided to stay on the surface world and not report back to any of my superiors. I wanted to grow strong and powerful before I became as Overlord Zieg." Nosdyn looked at Vetruvion and nodded. "Stare explained to me the situation at hand. Her master is also MY Master." Nosdyn said calmly and carefully not tripping up over any of his words. He suddenly unlatched the mystical weapon at his side.

He raised it for a moment and greeted Vetruvion with a strong gesture. He then replaced the weapon back at his side, attaching it back to his belt. "My blade is at your command." Nosdyn understood how The Thayne played their games. He wasn't completely positive that Vetruvion was a Thayne...but he was certain a being of power of SOME sort lurked behind that handsome face. "I'm not certain the details of The Contract itself. Only that I must serve now as is the way of my people." Nosdyn was trying to explain complex matters..but what somehow certain that the being before him would be able to understand everything he spoke about. "I was briefed somewhat on the situation you are currently faced with. You are seeking revenge on someone or something...are you not?" Nosdyn asked.

"Please tell me I can understand the gravity of the situation." Nosdyn spoke with a surprising amount of articulation. He was clearly a somewhat intelligent Demon not like the brutes of the ancient Demon's War. Some of his kind were clearly capable of vast intellectual deduction. Though admittedly, Nosdyn was still young and was still learning how to control his own powers...he had some way to go still.