He is of Hadian blood. Yamato chimed in while Nosdyn was flapping his lips. They are a tough bunch. Shall I take care of him for you?

Not just yet, I’m here to gauge his competence. Why don’t we take it easy for a moment and see what we are getting into first. Remember last time?

Don’t remind me…

Hayate watched as his opponent drew his weapon. It was a strange weapon that gave off a deep purple glow and a slight buzzing sound. The young lord hadn’t seen anything like it in Akashima, assuming it to be of forges of Hadia or wherever he hailed from. Hayate matched the demon as he unlatched his horse killer’s blade and swung it a violent arc overhead. The blade of the weapon was etched with ancient Akashiman runes of power that pulsed with every heartbeat. They both wielded amazing weapons that in all effects were alien to one other.

“I see,” Hayate spoke in a rough voice through his mask. Suddenly without finishing his thought Hayate hiked his leg back before kicking a sizable piece of the crumbling roof at Nosdyn. It wouldn’t do much more than distract the man but never the less it was an opening. Fallowing in the shadow of the debris Hayate closed the gap between the two before droping low and swinging his mighty blade. He aimed to sever both of Nosdyn’s ankles with a single stroke ending this fight before it could even begin.

Don’t get to excited, you know he isn’t going to fall for it. Yamato echoed prepping Hayate for his counter attack. The two of them had been fighting as partners for a number of years and both learned that a frontal assault was never a great plan. In spite of this rash battle tactic they needed to start the engagement by any means.

That where you come in!

“Rise Corpse King.”