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  1. #8

    EXP: 9,940, Level: 4
    Level completed: 19%, EXP required for next Level: 4,060
    Level completed: 19%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,060

    Hayate_Amatsukami's Avatar


    Hayate Amatsukami
    Surprisingly the demon of Hadia was okay. Through all the rubble and sharp debris the young lord figured it would have been an easy victory. But it didn’t seem like Nosdyn would be giving up so quickly.

    Did you just see that?...

    Suspending their disbelief the two peered down on the beast of a man as he whipped his violet weapon around like a mad man. They hadn’t much time to think as Nosdyn almost effortlessly cleaved huge pieces of the foundation away. It didn’t take long for the pair of them to feel the building’s foundation rock as it began to lose its’ stability. So instinctively they duo acted choosing to go down to the surface streets below.

    The Corpse King loosened his grip on the wall and began to slide down its side until they were roughly two floors off the ground. At which point the spectral titan used its powerful legs to hurl the two of them into the center of the street. By now it was already clear to the young lord that Nosdyn wouldn’t be slain by brute force and had decided that their fight would take a more creative turn. The moment the Corpse King touched the ground Hayate dispelled his magic and his titan faded back into nothingness.

    “You’re hard to kill…” Hayate yelled at the demon standing about twenty yards from him. The young lord was looking for some kind of tell, a flaw he could exploit, or something at all he could use. He saw that he was hurt, but his cuts and bruises didn’t seem to bother the brute. Were all demons this resilient or was this one special?

    While the two stared each other down there was movement brewing all around them. The shadowy men had finally set their eyes on the two fighters now that they were down and in the open. Almost instantly they attacked from the alleys screeching and flailing their sharp shadow weapons. Hayate was caught off guard a bit and stumbled backwards avoiding the three shadows that moved in on him. As the magic of the Corpse King disappeared his faithful weapon returned to its original form in the young lords clutches. Like a tornado Hayate spun violently slicing at the shadows as the pursued him. As the edge of his blade met with the monsters it passed right throw them like they weren’t even there.

    Run my Lord.

    Hayate headed his partners warning and turned kicking up dust in his wake. Nosdyn would have to wait to continue their fight until they could get rid of these pesky invaders.
    Last edited by Hayate_Amatsukami; 06-19-2018 at 08:41 PM.

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