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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
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    Amari L'Olfsden

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    Amari will help you!

    So a few people have asked me about profile layouts and I am offering to help with that, its currently 4:15 am so I will add links later but here is the links to some of my profiles


    Below, I'll add profiles I am working on in spoilers.
    Please note that I will not be completely changing your content, just making it easier to navigate etc.
    If you want help, please flick me a PM, and I'll work on them when I can in things below. These are only guides and feel free to ad/change/move around whatever you want, all I do ask, is pretty please credit me for some of the work, this takes me some time to fiddle around with, for instance the one below took me a good hour to sift through things! (I dont sleep what is life, this is what happens when I have little to reply to!)

    Last edited by Amari; 08-19-2017 at 02:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
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    Amari L'Olfsden

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    Nightsangel/ Sivienna

    Edit: Spoiler tags not working? Ugh will look nto it later. too tired now....



    ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

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    ☩ BASICS ☩

    Sivienna Anzu Mizami

    AGE: Appears 23 (99 Years)
    RACE: Vampire
    HAIR COLOR: Dark purple, black tips
    EYE COLOUR: Light lavender
    HEIGHT: 5"5
    WEIGHT: 124 lbs.
    OCCUPATION: Exotic Dancer



    Sivienna 's slim and very curvy, she is 5�5 and she weighs 122 lbs. Her teeth are white and small, white fangs can be seen in them when she smiles. Her nails are longer then the average humans, and she also paints them with a dark purple nail polish. Her lips are blood red and her face is heart-shaped. To accent her slim, curvy figure she wears a slim silver-black bodysuit over her figure, and over this bodysuit she wears a loose flowing light green skirt and black half-boots. Her hair is a dark, bright purple and the tips of it are tinged black. The length of her hair is down to the middle of her back and her normal hairstyle is either, a loose, flowing ponytail or a tight well-kept braid. Her skin is very pale, almost as pale as the moonlight you see at night. There are no flaws or imperfections on her skin.

    Since her travels Sivienna's appearance has altered slightly, she now wears a loose, flowing light blue traveling gown that is made from cotton. She also now wears a simple necklace made out of seashells she found somewhere amongst her traveling. She still does not wear earrings and her hair has slightly grown longer, now it goes down to her lower back and she wears it in a loose, messy ponytail, a well-kept braid or pigtails.

    Since her blue traveling gown was ruined from a bloody battle. The vampiress has finally visited the bazaar and purchased some new clothes. Her new clothes are a simple leather belt etched with a flower design a green cotton dress with flowing see through sleeves and a sifan cloth Olive green cloak that she wears around herself. These are her only new appearance changes during her travels.Furthermore she also now has a midnight blue halter mini skirt set that she keeps in her cloth sack for in case she needs to change clothes.



    Sivienna is sweet to those she knows and cares for, but she is vicious when angered. She protects and nurtures those close to her as well. Sometimes though she does go after stronger prey, but the charms she uses to seduce her prey are deadly, lust and beauty go hand in hand in her nature when she is seducing prey that is healthy and strong. When she does catch prey she makes their death as quick as possibly because she doesn�t like seeing anything in pain, even though she feeds, she tries to make the suffering of prey minimal.

    Since meeting Varsh, Koriku, Dario, Jasmine and Sylphiel, the vampire now knows what it is like to have true friends and she values friendship more then she used to. She now protects more fiercely those whom she has formed a close bond with and knows she also knows what comradeship truly means. Furthermore, since she has had her first true kiss without lust or passion involved she has begin to question if love actually does exist and if it does can she truly love someone.

    Sivienna still wonders if love truly does exist. Her wonderment of this has not yet been answered so she is still looking for the answer to this question.


    ☩ SKILLS ☩

    She is very proficient with an iron broad sword through years of intense training. The iron sword she uses was a gift from her instructor when she graduated with honors from the school she attended.

    Sivienna learned how to dance gracefully.

    â–²MARTIAL ARTSâ–²
    she also took martial arts and Judo lessons, so she is proficient in hand to hand combat.

    Through her travels she found some old damaged iron armor which she repaired and nows wears to protect herself.

    Sivienna's darkness and fire magic has now grown more powerful. She knows advanced teachings and her magic is a bit more powerful now.

    Special trait: Regenerative powers:
    Sivienna's regeneration ability can heal more then a pretty big and slightly deep wound, she can heal a bit more serious wounds now, the same goes for large bruises and heavy bleeding.

    Special trait: Bloodlust:

    Since Sivienna has grown in strength one of the conditions she had when she was younger that she kept in check, has now returned to the surface. When Sivienna smells to much fresh blood, it triggers an intense effect in her mind, body and spirit which causes her to go insane. When she is in this bloodlust she will kill and feed recklessly from whatever human or animal she sees. This affect lasts until the scent of fresh blood has disappeared completely from the air in the area which Sivienna is in.

    Seduction bite:
    Sivienna uses her skill of dancing to move her hips and body is a hypnotizing seductive rhythm that lulls the victim into a weak trance-like state. While the victim is in this short trance-like state, Sivienna slithers into the shadows and appears in front of the victim taking a small bite in the victim's neck draining the victim of a tiny portion of energy. When she bite's into a victim's neck a medium-large amount of energy is taken from the victim. Furthermore, the trance the victim falls into now last 5 and a half minutes, but it will only last that long and it will wear off after the 5 and a half minutes is up.

    Darkness Flame:
    In this attack, Sivienna calls upon the growing energies of her magic and calls forth a weak but glowing purple colored flame. What this attack does is it singes the enemy with a small amount of darkness based flame. It can now scorch and burn the enemy's clothes a bit more away, it will still leave a small amount of tattered rags though. It is now a larger, brighter scorching ball of darkness and purple flames and can now leave larger moderate burns on an opponents skin if it touches the skin.

    Darkness Portal:
    Now that Sivienna knows the advanced teachings of her darkness magic. She can create a large sized portal of darkness energy. This portal can be used to escape an enemies magical attacks or to evade a physical attack. It takes now a minute and a half for Sivienna to change the spell (You will need to specify post, not minutes) to create the portal and the portal lasts for about 3 posts in which Sivienna can evade the attack or disappear to another section of the area she is in.

    Darkness fire wolf:
    Now that Sivienna knows the advanced teachings of her darkness and fire magic, she can more accurately combine both into a life from that breathes and thinks on its own. It is shaped from her dark purple magic of darkness and its breathe and life is the purple flames that she conjurs from her magic. When the two mix they form the darkness fire wolf. This creature charges at the opponent its dark purple fangs bared and it will slash, bite and burn the opponent . It takes about 4 minutes now for Sivienna to call the wolf its portal and the wolf will remain on the field now for 2 posts and it will attack and protect Sivienna from harm by sacrificing itself it Sivienna is in danger. Also now she can conjure two wolves instead of one.

    Shadow Dragon:
    Since her time in Haidia, Sivienna has discovered that her shadow powers have altered slightly. After drinking the blood of a shadow dragon named Zek'smaugok. Her own shadow powers grew a bit more darker and voile. The way this spell works is Sivienna closes her eyes, conjuring the image of a purple and red scaled dragon. The spell itself takes about 3 minutes to conjure, then the dragon itself takes about 3 minutes to come forth from its black portal. The shadow dragon itself is a very large dragon, with red scaled wings and purple and red scales all covering its body. It attacks with a column of acidic breathe flame that can burn its victims a moderate amount when it attacks. It does have its weaknesses though, if its summoned is struck by a strong enough weapon (Tier 5 or above) Or distracted the dragon will be called back into the shadows from whence it came. Furthermore, if the dragon is blocked by a barrier it won't be able to harm its opponent, and also the dragon can be vanished by striking its weak points, which are its heart, neck and mouth. Also once the dragon uses its acidic breathe attack it'll disappear back into the shadows from whence it was summoned. This ability can only be used twice in quests and twice in battles, but Sivi must rest for a period of 4 posts before being able to use this spell again.

    Shadow Dragon-Now to summon the dragon it takes about 2 and a half minutes for it to be conjured and for the dragon itself to emerge from its portal it now takes 2 and a half minutes. It can now burn its victims for a little bit more then a moderate amount. Its weakness now is Tier 4 (If I need to fix this let me know.) Now in order to use the Shadow dragon spell again Sivi has to rest for a period of 3 posts before she can use the spell again.

    ☩ FAMILIAR ☩

    NAME: Serenity
    Bright Orange
    EYE COLOUR: Brown
    WEIGHT: 10 lbs
    AGE: 2 years old (She has extended life)
    Mischievous and sweet. She loves to play pranks on people and see their reactions. However, she is reasonable and will always tell Sivienna to do good, not do wrong. She is adorable and cute and knows how to use this to her advantage. She is a good friend once you get to know her and extremely loyal. She won't harm or hurt those she is close to though she may play the occasional prank on them.


    She has the ability to talk to both humans and animals. She can talk whenever and there is no limit to this ability. She was born with the power to talk to humans and thus is an ideal pet for those willing to have such a mischievous creature as their pet.

    : She can mimic anyone's voice as long as she hears it once. This is used to confused a person or to trick them into thinking that someone else is talking about them. She can only use this ability if shes heard a person's voice, but once she hear's that person's voice she can mimic there voice whenever she wants to.


    Her whole small body glows a bright blue color and this is the state in wehre she is gathering the flame magic that resides in her body. After she is fully charged she can spew blue flames from her mouth. These aren't very strong yet only enough to singe someone's clothes or bare skin. They will grow in strength as the kistune grows in age.(This will level up along with Sivi's next level up.)

    Transform: A large aura of pure blue flame's surround the kistune's body and in the midst of the powerful flames the kistune transforms into a much larger size. In this form Sivienna is able to ride her and use her much more applicably in battle. The kistune has no attacks in this form except for the power to float in the air using flames under her paws. She can uses her paws and fangs to bite people but really its more of a steed and battle companion for Sivi when Serenity is in this form. This transformation will last 3 posts and then Serenity will revert back to her smaller kistune form. (She can use transform 3 times in battles and 3 times in quests)



    New weapon: Rose etched titanium sword. It is made from titanium and has the design of a rose etched on it made from rubies. She also has a new soft leather sheathe with a flower design carved into it made from gold. (From before althanas crashed as well, can't find the link.)

    Newest weapon-Dragon claws-twin claws made from the bone of a slain dragon, they are bound with simple leather and they slip onto her hands easily.(Can't find thread link this thread was done before althanas crashed and the links were lost.)

    New Items: Darkness Pendent:The pendant increases all her Shadow Magic by one level for 3-1 number of Posts. Can be activated once a quest/battle. (Think this item was from before althanas crashed, so link lost also sorry!)

    Snow Globe- A round glass globe with a picture of the Mizami mansion inside, written on the simple marble base are the words "We'll always have Haidia." this is non-sellable. (I believe this item also came from same link as the dragon bone claws, link was from before althanas crashed, so its lost.)


    ☩ HISTORY☩

    History: Sivienna was born in the continent of Haidia on a cold, dark night in a hospital sheltered from light and any means that could harm creatures of the night. Her parents were deeply in love with one another. Her father was a powerful vampire that was an executive at one of the companies nestled in Haidia�s continent, her mother lived at home and didn�t really need to work or anything because Sivienna�s father made enough money to support his family. After Sivienna was born her mother and father took her back to their home and performed a ritual of blessing on their daughter, to bless her with beauty, prosperity and good health.

    A few years passed after Sivienna�s birth and now she is five years old. She is well loved by her vampire parents and is given all the gifts a young vampire child could dream of. Her mother enrolled her in a judo class, dance class, art class as well as school. As her classes continued her parents found out she was a very quick learner in martial arts as well as in dancing. She couldn�t do much yet since she was only five, but she quickly learned the basics of dancing and over time she completed learning the basics of martial arts and Judo. Seven more years go by, and Sivienna is now twelve years old and is taking advanced classes in hip hop, reggae, any form and style of dance you can think of she is now learning. She is like a genius in dancing and is learning each form and style very gracefully and quickly. Her martial arts classes also have continued over the years so now she has earned a black belt in it at a very young age. She is well loved by her family and she hasn�t really made friends, she has acquaintances but not true friends due to her being a vampire.

    Two more years pass and now is where things In Sivienna�s life begin changing, first of all, she meets up with this young handsome vampire male, he seems cool, strong and powerful and he appears very interested in the beauty that Sivienna possesses. For now Sivienna has grown into quite a beauty with her long dark purple with black tinged tip hair, her slender curvy figure and her alluring beauty he asks her if she is looking for work. Sivienna is hesitant at first because of her upbringing, but eventually with some coaxing from the young male vampire she agrees to go to him to a club where he works as a bartender.

    Upon reaching the bar, which is Called Night Angels Heaven, he shows her around. She appears extremely interested and tells the young vampire she will consider his job offer just let her finish her dancing lessons as well as all the other lessons she is currently learning. Another three years pass in Sivienna�s life and now she is sixteen and quite the beauty. She has now completed learning how to dance anyway she would like to and is proficient and has a black belt in Judo and martial arts. Now then she remembers the offer the young vampire male made to her, about the dancing job at Night Angels Heaven club, so she goes to the club to tell him she is extremely interested now in the job. The young male vampire remembers her from three years previous when he scoped her out and saw her beauty, charm and youth and asked her to dance at the club. He tells her that she is hired for an exotic dancing job at the club and then he tells her all about the club. The club serves vampire clientele and other dark night creatures.

    Now a two more years pass and Sivienna has been working at the club as an exotic dancer and as well has been hunting humans for their blood which is of course what she did while young to since she was born to a vampire family. Soon though even though she has a job and is doing well, other trouble arise she soon learns that since she�s been away from home her father left her mother and in a desperate attempt to win her husband back, Sivienna�s mother chased after him and ended up dying in sunlight due to her desperation to find her husband. Saddened by this news Sivienna took a two-year break from the club and is now on a search for her husband as a traveling exotic dancer. She won�t rest until she finds her father and receives answers from him on why he left her mother and what caused this heartbreak and anxiety in her seemingly perfect family.

    Sivienna hadn't done much since she came to Althanas world. She hadn't traveled around the regions much nor seen many battles or quests. However, when she entered the Earshine Tavern., A bustling warm, friendly welcoming place, she didn't know what to expect, the reason she entered was because she was hungry, tired and needed rest from her earlier fight with some vampire slayers who had tried to kill her. Glancing around the tavern upon her entrance she came upon a man called Varsh. After speaking with him for some time she begins to take an interest in him. However, before she could truly get to know him an elven girl called Sylphiel entered the tavern and challenged both Varsh and the vampire to a drinking game.

    After a couple of drinks, the vampire found herself drunk and shortly after that she was pulled to the floor by the green haired man named Varsh. Since she didn't have control over her vampiric instincts she lowered her mouth to Varsh's neck and drank some of his blood. This was her first time in a long time since she fed and she felt bad about it but everything seemed alright between her and Varsh. It appeared that after Sivienna bit Varsh, the young man begin to have a love interest in the young vampire. Sivienna didn't have much experience with love so she found herself unsure as to what she should do next.

    Shortly after Sivienna got to know both Varsh and the elven girl Sylphiel, a few more people entered the quaint, bright cheerful tavern. One was a well-mannered, chivalric red mage by the name of Dario, another was a bright, cheerful handsome lad by the name of Koriku Windgate and the final person to enter the tavern was a girl by the name of Jasmine. Sivienna was surprised that so many young travelers could wind up all in the same small tavern. However, she didn't complain because she begins to like and even make friends with the young people who entered the tavern. Dario she liked because he was so sweet and well-mannered, Koriku she couldn't help but feel attracted to, his boyish good looks, his carefree nature and his crimson eyes all tugged at her heart. Jasmine came into the tavern rather late when everyone was preparing to depart for their separate ways. However, the young girl did stay long enough to get to know Dario, Koriku, Syphiel, Varsh and Sivienna slightly.

    With her attraction to Koriku growing stronger with each moment she was in his company, Sivienna did something impulsive; when she stared into the young lad's eyes she was so entranced, that she planted a kiss on his smooth, young lips. She knew after they had stopped kissing that he was a bit surprised by her kiss, she herself was also surprised. However, neither she nor Koriku had much time to ponder on their kiss as shortly after they kissed the holy knights of the church who were after Koriku, attacked the tavern.

    During the chaos that was the holy knights attack, Sivienna had found that the man Varsh whom she was also attracted to besides Koriku had run off in anger after she and Koriku had kissed. When she went looking for him she found herself trapped by the holy knights and caught in their grip. After the knights attack Sivienna doesn't remember much because during it she got knocked out while Varsh and the others were fighting the holy knights. When she came to she found herself alone in a darkened alley near the tavern. Contemplating her feelings for Varsh and Koriku she is still undecided on both of them. For now though she has left the tavern and is still wandering around Althanas. However, she wishes to remain in contact with the friends she made in the tavern and she still is hunting for her father, a desire born from the betrayal and hurt he caused her dear mother.

    Since her time spent at the tavern, Sivienna has learned much through her travels on Althanas. One day she had come upon a sign that was looking for travelers to escort three mages to a village in the continent of Corone. Letting curiosity get the better of her, Sivi had gone and seeked out Wilfred Waltz and agreed to escort him to Corone. However, many interesting things happened then, a rivalry between her and a knight of the apocalypse named Vladimir Sigma happened. The two argued the whole way they were escorting the Waltz siblings to Corone. Finally, as a test of strength they had a huge all out to the death battle with each other, it was fierce and very deadly, the Eldest Waltz sibling helped Sivienna out but he lost the use to speak because of Vlad crushing his throat. Also during this adventure Sivienna had saved a young kistune whom she dubbed Serenity. The kistune now travels with Sivienna and can help her in battles and quests if she is with the young vampriess.

    Mini history: She followed the escort party from Scara Brae to the Corone docks. Finally having shown herself, she was roughly attacked by Vladmir and saved by Sivienna. Not much else is known about her for she doesn�t talk much about her past. Now she lives and travels with the young vampiress, exploring Althanas under her mistress�s care.*

    Before the journey with the Waltz siblings had begun, she had camped out in a forest where she met a silver haired warrior named Godhand. Intrigued by him she stayed the night with him, only to be attacked by an Ent. Since he was strong , they really didn�t get to know each other well before the paladins of Scara Brae escorted him from the city.

    A few days after this tiresome journey, the vampiress had settled herself down in an old abandoned cabin. The moon was full and the night seemed peaceful. She had gone out for a bit to stretch and relax her muscles, but then something odd happened, a citadel monk came by to meditate near the flowing river that was by the cabin and shortly after that a young elf girl came and asked Sivi for the cabin. Not wanting to give it up a fight ensued one which Sivienna won, but in the process the cabin was destroyed and proved useless as a refuge. So Sivienna left again disappearing into the night.

    After her fight with the elf, Sivienna found herself in the town of Scara Brae, camping out in the forest. There she ran into a merc who had been hired to kill her, for her taking the life of a young noble's son when she was younger. She managed to defeat the merc with the help of her friend Slyphiel and then had left the merc when it had turned into a baby dragon.

    Shortly after that she found herself in the city of Radasanth, low on money she had applied for a job at a local dancing club, only to be fired 2 days after being hired. Annoyed and miffed she had taken the job to show a young tourist around the city and help him find the Black Market. There he had need to go because he needed to get an unknown object back, she herself wanted to go because there was payment involved and she could acquire something good form the market if the timing was right. From the market she stole a titanium sword that she mistook for steel. The sword has a design of a blooming red rose etched into the hilt and it is compromised of rubies. She also stole a soft leather sheathe with a rose etched into the sheathe made from gold. The young male and her had managed to get away from the Black Market but not before she had fed from him and he had jammed his gun. Now that she has increased her strength she still is traveling Althanas but soon, she may work up the courage to find out where her father is and find the answers she seeks about what happened to her family and why her father left her mother!

    After her escapades in Corone's Black Market, Sivienna soon found herself with a job at a club in the fine city of Radasanth. She needed money to pay the rent in her apartment there. While dancing there she came across a young woman, a woman who intrigued and mystfied her. The woman seemed to have come to drink her troubles away, but the young vampric dancer caught the white haired woman' eye. After a bit of talk and flirting the two ended up in one of the rooms upstairs where a night of love and passion ensued. The next morning the woman named Sarah Dahlios and her parted ways, but the memory of that loving night hasn't left Sivienna's mind.

    Shortly after this passionate encounter, Sivienna made her way to the citadel. The large bright buidling shined in front of her, as she entered she asked the monk who came to her to lead her to an interesting battle. She was led to a futristic like room. It had a blue misty haze to it, and the city was all made of metal, a fountain stood in the center, near it a man by the name of Njin bosche. She fought him and almost won, but men burst into their room they were battling in and intrupted their battle. Protecting her opponent, SIvienna nearly killed one of the futrstic soldiers, but ended up sparing him. After this battle she and Serenity left the citadel, wiser now due to the battle, but still none the less learning about what the citadel had to offer.

    A few weeks later, Sivienna found herself in the cold library of Salvar. Here she met a man by the name of Seth Dahlios and agreed to lead him to the dragon roosts of Haidia. She had her own motives for doing this though, she wanted to try and find out what her father had been doing. She discovered that her father had ran off with another young vampiress, a dancer by the sounds of it. This angered her and caused her to increase the search for her father, though when she and Seth reached Mizami manor, her father's trail had run cold. Defeated, Sivienna dutifully led Seth to the roosts, that is after a night of lust happened in the library of Mizami manor. At the roosts they defeated a powerful adult shadow dragon and then made their way down to the tomb where Kycoo rested. Unleashing the beast into atlhanas realm, the creature sent a curse torwards Sivienna awakening her unborn child. What problems await the vampiress once her child is born? What dangers wait for her, she'll only know after her child is brought into the world.For now she waits, waits and plans for whatever happens next to her.



    Last edited by Amari; 08-19-2017 at 02:46 PM.

  3. #3
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
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    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

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    Holy fudge this is neato
    "I'm funny, so they let me live." - Skippy's List

    The Wiki Matriarch, the Vignette Enthusiast, your friendly neighborhood Cinnamon Smol, and very excited to roleplay!

    I play this rude little bug! Spell his name F E N N I K. No "c".

  4. #4
    Shattered heart and Soul

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    Nekoprincess/Rainee Azure Miyami

    Previous Profile

    Rainee Azure Miyami◅
    -the unemployed nagging nuisance-

    "I won't stop till I get what I want!"

    Age: 18 - Height: 5"3 - Weight 101 lbs

    Rainee is very petite. She has a heart-shaped face and almond shaped silver eyes. Her hair is a bright, shining blue and it is straight and sweeps down to the middle of her back. Cute little white, pointed kitty ears can be seen perched on the top of her head. These are here ears and she can hear quite keenly with them, she does not have human ears so where human ears would be tresses of thick blue hair are instead. Rainee also has a cute little white cat's tail that sticks out through a whole she made in the pants she wears. It is very soft and furry to the touch and it twitches constantly whenever Rainee is happy. Rainee's normal hairstyle is either a loose, messy ponytail or cute pigtails. Her mouth is soft and firm and her lips are a bright cherry red. When she smiles white gleaming fangs can be seen in her mouth. Her nails she leaves unpainted, except she puts on a clear nail polish to make her nails look shiny. Her outfit consists of a dark purple mesh overlay top over a snug light purple tank top that is emblazoned with black glitter. She also wears snug, tight purple leather bellbottom like pants and wears a purple leather belt that closes with a heart-shaped buckle with these pants. She also wears an amethyst heart shaped pendent that was left to her by her mother. Her skin tone is a deep bright olive color that glows under the sunlight. She has one small scar on her shoulder, left by an arrow during an attack on her old village.
    Rainee now has one new scar on her otherwise clean body. When she fought against Koran in the fields of Corone. He managed to stab her through the stomach. She was lucky to escape with her life and a round healed scar is now on her stomach from where Koran pierced her.

    Rainee has a very bubbly, hyper personality. She likes to have fun and learn about new things. She is often very curious about things and sometimes her curiosity can get her into trouble. She is very sweet when you get to know her and will try to help those she is close with in any way she can. However, when someone refuses to tell her something she can become very aggressive and nag that person until they tell her the information she desires to know. But if she doesn't know that person too well, or they aren't open and friendly with her she can be somewhat shy until she truly gets to know that
    person. Overall she is a warm, friendly girl who yearns to be around people and doesn't like to be alone. Whenever she is alone memories of her past come to haunt her.


    She is very proficient with an oak bow and arrow through years of intense training, besides learning how to use a bow and arrow which she received from her adopted father. She can hit her targets from about 20 to 50 feet away.

    She learned from fighting her younger adopted brother the art of melee combat and on how to use her claws and teeth effectively against an opponent. She can move extremely agilely and dodge attacks with her quickness, however, fatigue can still claim her and slow down her agility.

    Rainee has a dagger. She is still learning how to use the dagger. She can use clumsily Perhaps with training she'll learn how to use the dagger well.

    Her agility has increased slightly, but if fatigue claims her she still can slow down, but she is much faster now then she used to be and can dodge things a bit more agilely

    Rainee has fangs in her mouth due to her being half cat. The way that this attack works is Rainee charges and leaps on her opponent and sinks her fangs in any exposed part of her opponents body. The bite doesn't do much damage at the moment.

    Rainee's cat side has now become more apparent. Whenever she is injured or angered beyond her limits, the animalistic side of her will come forth. In this state she can still recognize friend by their smell, however, if she is facing an enemy she will scratch, bite and tear into whatever part of them she can reach. This attack is like a whirlwind and it does moderate damage to her opponents. However ever now and them a medium heavy hit can be made to her opponents and most of the time the feral strikes she does will pierce exposed flesh.

    In this attack, Rainee draws the lightening magic that flows through her body into her hands and forms a sparkling ball of electricity. When this ball of electricity hits an opponent it shocks them slightly and slightly damages them. It also stuns the opponent for only 30 seconds.She can hit her opponents accurately from 20 to 50 feet away.
    With this attack, Rainee will get a burst of aderaline, which causes her to move slightly faster then she would normally. With the sword held directly in front of her, Rainee will rush her opponent at twice the normal speed. She then slashes downwards at her opponent aiming for whatever part of her opponents body she can reach. This attack does tire her out however, so after using this attack she must rest 2 to 3 posts depending on how fast she moves and how much force she puts into the swing of her sword blade.

    Rainee's first ever actual learnt healing spell. She learned this spell after having a dream where her biological mother was stroking her hair gently. Her mother had encouraged a warm and comforting feeling in her heart, which in turn turned into this spell. A warm golden blue aura surrounds the person when Rainee uses this spell. It can heal moderate wounds but can't heal anything heavy yet.



    A black kunai daggermade of steel called Loyalty.

    She has also acquired a new sword one that she calls Spark Petals. It is a demon blade made of Titanium. It has a topaz lightening bolt engraved in the smooth glreaming metal near the hilt, it comes with a matching leather sheath that has a lightening bolt engraved on it. It has the dormant powers of lightning magic in it, but Rainee still needs to discover how these powers work. Obtained here

    Her oak bow and iron arrows, it has the following ability:
    Lightening arrow: . The tip of the arrow is charged with a bright, golden sparkling glow of electric energy. When it makes contact with an enemy, the electric energy wounds the victim a moderate amount and the enemy is surrounded by a bright golden light. This attack can only be used once in battles and twice in quests
    Obtained here


    Rainee now has a soft purple leather trenchcoat which fits her figure perfeclty. It fits her shoulders nicely and buttons up, it then flows downward from her waist area down. To match with this she now has a soft light purple hat, that can can wear if need be to hide her white cat ears. Beast hide cloak with titanium studs and matching gloves obtained here


    X4 healing herbs -can heal moderate wounds
    X2 water flasks
    X1 Large Cloth Sack
    X2 small cloth bags holding various food items.

    This medallion was given to Rainee by her opponent in the fields of Corone. It has minor healing powers and can heal medium to small wounds. Other then that this is all it can do, and on a rare occasion it could save someone's life but that is very rare and only if that person still has a will to live on. Other then that, this is all that the healing cat Medallion can do.

    The orb gives off an amber colored glow when Rain calls forth its healing properties. Right now the orb can heal minor to moderate wounds. It is about the size of a baseball and round and amber colored. Thats all about the orb for now it'll get stronger as she levels.

    In a time before Rainee was born there lived a noble by the name of Rubin Miyami the third. He was destined to be king of his small mountain village located in the region of Nihon. He fell in love with one of the pretty, maidens who lived in a more humble village nearby. However, this maiden whose name was Raven Isis Witherole, was not human. She was full cat, but was so shy and sweet in her manners that the young human lord could not help but fall in love with her. At first when Rubin came to visit Raven the young cat maid would blush and stutter in his presence and would shyly refuse his offer to court her. The young girl did not want to marry at the age of 16, and she had refused many a suitor before Rubin. What the young girl didn�t know is that the young human male was very persistent when it came to something he desperately desired. He didn�t give up on winning the young cat maiden�s hand and soon enough after a few more days of plying her home with red fragrant roses and boxes of luscious chocolate the maid gave up on her persistent denials of his proposal and accepted his offer to court her.

    The young human lord was extremely happy that Raven had accepted his offer to court her and he promised her that he would never make her sad, that he would protect her and cherish her as long as he courted her. He was a very loyal, nice, sweet caring man who felt in his heart that any woman you felt was worthy of yourself should be treated like a princess. For several months he took the young cat maid out to the movies, to fine, wealthy restaurants and to many a cinema. The girl felt so overwhelmed and loved that soon her young heart bloomed with a happiness called romance.

    Over these months that he had courted her, he had been very loving and faithful to her, she hadn�t known him to lay with another woman or lie about anything to her. Soon she begin wishing that he would ask for her hand in marriage. She was still very young, now only 17 but her heart was Rubin�s, she desperately wanted to be with him always and never leave his side. She would pray to the gods in heaven each night that soon Rubin would ask for her hand in marriage.

    Finally, after a few more weeks of courting, Raven�s wish was granted. When Rubin took her too a fine upstanding restaurant secluded deep in another mountain village, he smiled secretively at his young girlfriend. As if he had a sweet, heavenly surprise planned for her this evening. The young cat girl�s eyes shimmered with awe when he took her into the restaurant and she wondered what on earth her young boyfriend could have planned for her. Surely, surely he wouldn�t plan to ask her to marry him tonight! Her cheeks tinged a bright pink at the thought and she glanced over at Rubin shyly, seeing nothing but glee and happiness in his eyes, she relaxed slightly and waited to see how the night would unfold.

    The way the night went for the young cat maiden was, first a lovely elegant dinner was served. It was all the best food money could buy and she couldn�t believe that Rubin had been so kind in ordering such fine food. After dinner an elegant cake of chocolate and mousse was served with wine and brandy. Next came the biggest shock of Raven�s young life a 2 caret diamond engagement ring. Rubin had asked for her hand in marriage, her dream had come true!

    However, as 2 more years passed and the happy couple had been married in great bliss. A great tragedy occurred, a greedy noble from a neighboring village wanted to strengthen his land and own more, so he sent an army of his strongest warriors to attack Rubin�s peaceful village. At this time, Raven was very pregnant and full with child, and Rubin upon hearing of his neighbor planned attack worried for his lovely wife�s health and the future of their unborn baby. He urged his wife to flee to the mountains towards the village of Aidan Milweather. However, Raven being very strong willed and loyal refused to leave her husband�s side. She stayed until the day that the greedy noble attacked their small village.

    During the attack, the people of Rubin�s village were slaughtered without mercy, none were spared by the ruthless cold men of the neighboring village. When they stormed the walls of Rubin�s mansion, the young man who was now 25 gathered a small troupe of strong young men to try and ward off the invaders. During this time the young maids of the mansion and Raven took shelter in a hidden alcove near the kitchens of the mansion. Raven was extremely worried about her husband and gritting her teeth she left the other young girls hidden away in the alcove and hurried to find her husband. Calling loudly for her love�s name she didn�t hear the footsteps of two burly soldiers who were searching for any survivors in the mansion. Upon hearing a shout of �Hey look theres a little lady, and shes all alone. Hehe why don�t we take her out? That way the boss will be pleased with us!� �Oh yes my friend, lets do that! IN fact it looks like this little lady is the mistress of the house! Remember what the boss said? That the noble who lives her married a young cat girl? This must be her! C�mon lets get her!�
    Shrieking, Raven begin moving as fast as her very pregnant belly would allow. She feared for her child�s life. She was almost 9 months along and soon her baby would be born, she didn�t want to die and her child to die along with her. Screaming still she tried to run from the men but they were too quick for her. Grabbing her roughly around her slim waist the yanked her hair until she screamed. Tears running down her face Raven asked them to spare her but they just smiled evilly at her.

    �No way chick, we were told to murder all we find that includes you miss. So I�m afraid your pleas fall on deaf ears!�

    Sobbing Raven cringed when the burly male drew out a small sharp steel dagger and ran it softly at first over her well defined shoulder. She then cried out in pain and terror when the burly ruthless male dug the dagger blade deep into her tender flesh. As blood oozed from the severe wound, Rubin appeared and let out a battle cry of anger. Jumping on the men he begin an inevitable battle when he was already injured beyond belief. He was able to slay the two men but not before they stabbed him with two fatal blows. Near death he asked Raven to come near him so he could tell her one last request. �Raven my love�.� Coughs up some blood as he whispers fretfully his once olive dark face paling in death �please go now, escape with Ronin here, he will guide you to the safety of the village I told you about before. Ronin? Ronin Athmos please come to your queen�s aide now!� After telling his love to flee and leave the village and save their child, Rubin died peacefully, at ease now that he told his wife to save their child.

    Raven bit her lip thoughtfully as the young man named Ronin hurried to his queen�s aide and helped her to her feet. �Your majesty we must flee from here. The village our king spoke of is a 4 weeks travel and in your condition we must make haste. Your child should be born soon and we want to be in the village before its born.�

    Raven sighed and allowed the young escort to lead her away. Tears coursed from her pale silver eyes as she took one last glimpse at the loving darling man she had called her husband. When Ronin had saddled a gentle gray mare for her and helped her up, he swung onto a black battle horse and they fled form the mansion they had once called home. The journey to Aiden Milweather�s village was harsh on the young queen. Every now an then Ronin had to patch up the severe wound she had received from the dagger. He had to clean it and try and keep it infection free.

    However, when they had arrived at Aidan�s village after traveling for 4 long weeks, the young queen was in ill health. The only reason she had remained alive was to give her baby life. Gritting her teeth, Raven now found herself in a starch clean bar on fresh yellow straw. Two young woman, one who had deep chestnut brown hair and large, round welcoming blue eyes and the other a pale faired haired girl with somber brown eyes were encouraging her to push and bring her child into the world.

    Blood and sweat caked Raven�s young body as she went through the pain of giving birth. In her heart, she knew she might die if she pushed herself this hard, she had arrived at the village only a day before when the pains of labor happened. Still she pushed hard to bring her child into the world, knowing she would die. Soon the still cries of wailing rent the air, as a young half human half cat girl cried out for the first time in her life. Meowing plaintively the young cat girl held out her arms to hold her little girl for the first and last time in her life. Looking at her little baby girl she mewed softly and nuzzled the child weakly. The baby girl had blue hair as bright as her own and had shining silver eyes much like hers, though they were almond shaped like her father�s had been. Her skin was olive like her father�s as well and Raven�s heart swelled with love and pride. Rubin�s and hers child would live, her love�s efforts to save her hadn�t been in vain. Meowing she called out weakly for Ronin to come to her side. Sighing as she felt her eyes growing heavier she said softly.

    �Ronin? Raise this child as your own! Teach her what you know and train her to fight! One day she must save my village, her village from the evil that took it from us and took her from her parents.�

    �Yes my lady, I will do as you bid. Please wait while the young ladies here aid you to try and save you.�

    �No Ronin my dear, let me die and join my love Rubin. I miss him terribly, please this is last request, raise my dear baby girl as your own and love her as a father would. Furthermore, I name her Rainee�Azure�Miyami�don�t forget that is what I want her to be called. These are my last requests Ronin, please abide by them.� With this the dying cat girl lifted the heart shaped amethyst pendent from her neck and placed it in her escort�s hands. This necklace had been a gift from her loving husband and she wanted her daughter to have it as a remembrance that her parents love her.

    After Raven had given her necklace to Ronin the cat girl passed away a peaceful expression on her beautiful face. After this young Rainee begin wailing plaintively wanting attention. Smiling the young human Ronin picked up the little baby girl and rocked her gently soothing her to sleep.

    A few more years pass and young Rainee is now 4 years old. Ronin Athmos has found a love in the quaint village of Aiden and he has married her. The girl�s name is Cherry Smith and she is petite and bright. They have had a young boy they have named Omarion Athmos. He is a bright cheerful boy who has grown attached to Rainee in a matter of minutes.

    Ronin never forgot what the young queen Raven told him, to raise her daughter as his own. So that is what he and Cherry did, young Rain was never treated badly she was loved and cared for as much as they loved and cared for Omarion. Ronin would take her with him whenever he went on a hunting trip in the forest. She watched her �daddy� shoot animals with a fine oak bow and arrow set. She giggled and clapped when once he let her try and shoot an arrow from the bow string. It wobbled and went way off course but she smiled in happiness.

    A few more years pass and now Rain is 8 years old and is blossoming into quite a little beauty. She hasn�t grown much but she is has matured enough to make her adopted parents proud. Since she is old enough now, Ronin has begin to teach her how to use the bow and arrow properly. Soon after a few weeks of training Rain learned the basics of how to use the bow and arrow set with good aim and accuracy. And after a few more weeks pass, her adopted parents discover that lightening magic flows through her young body. Apparently her mother Raven, had lightening magic in her blood, but never told anyone, not even her husband that she had it. Ronin then smiled and said to his daughter. �Well now little Rain, it appears we have to teach you how to control that magic you have. We wouldn�t want you hurting anyone with it now would we?� Rain laughs and snuggles into her adopted father�s lap. �No daddy we wouldn�t! Teach me how to control my magic!� Ronin smiled and then begin to teach his daughter how to control her lightening magic by having her zap many different targets stuffed with straw. Soon Rainee knew how to control the begin kindlings of her lightening magic.

    When she was about 14 and Omarion was 10, they begin training against each other in hand to hand combat. Her younger brother taught her how to use her claws and teeth effectively and trained her to become more proficient in her use of the bow and arrow. They also formed a closing loving bond, like any siblings would. Rain loved Omarion and would protect him from any harm and Omarion would do the same for Rainee. Soon they begin to have regular training sessions with each other so that their skills would be honed and good in case an evil entered their village.

    After a few more years though, when Rain had turned 18 and Omarion was 14 a tragedy befell the quiet, gentle mountain village her and her adopted parents lived in. A group of fierce, evil bandits that called themselves The Blood Orcs swooped down upon Rain�s village in the early dawn light. They didn�t care who they killed whether it be animal, woman, child or man. They burned down many houses before people started to fight back.

    Rain and Omarion both scrambled to retrieve their weapons, Rain her fine Oak bow and arrow set given to her for her 18th birthday by her Adopted mom and Dad and Omarion he fine steel sword given to him for his 14th birthday. They fought fiercely against the bandits side by side for several hours, before a fierce tragedy that changed Rain�s life forever happened. An arrow pierced her dearly beloved brother in the chest once and the bandit who fired at him aimed another one this time at his heart. Screeching Rain dived in front of Omarion just as the bandit fired the arrow. This arrow pierced her heavily in the shoulder. As blood started flowing from the wound, Rain cringed in pain. But was shocked when she felt a gentle touch on her hand, looking into her brother�s soft brown eyes she saw a look of gratitude but also fear in them. She was about to ask Omarion was he wanted to do when her brother saidly strongly. �Go to mom and dad Rain. Live I�ll be alright, but if I�m not, know this I will always remain in your heart.� Omarion then her side forever, plunging into battle with the bandits. This was the last time Rain ever saw her beloved brother. For soon after she had returned back home, she heard news that he was dead. Crying immensely she felt her father draw her into a warm hug and rest his chin on her soft blue hair.

    �Oh Rain I�m sorry your brother died�but��.oh how do I say this?� for once she heard her strong father�s voice tremble and heard the hints of crying in his voice.

    �Daddy? What is it?� she asked somberly.

    �Oh my dear sweet little girl this is so hard! You see long ago there was a princess her name was Raven�and she met this fairy tale prince! They had a whirlwind loving romance and the result was you. But there happiness was stopped by an evil noble who wanted your True father�s village. He slain everyone include your real daddy my darling�I�m sorry to say this but I�m not your daddy and�Cherry isn�t your mommy! I have something your real mommy wanted me to give you and I think now is the time. Here child�..� After Ronin said this he gave the heart shaped amethyst pendent to Rainee and turned away from her tears forming.

    �If you wish to go you may, I have set up supplies for you here and they are at the door. The bandits have fled, they killed many including my little boy and your brother. If you see them avenge your brother and I recommend you grow strong to avenge your true parent�s death. I�m sure you�ll do fine my darling. You�re a strong smart girl. I wish you luck and know that Cherry and I will be here for you if you need us.�

    Rain was shocked, this handsome strong man wasn�t her true daddy? Omarion wasn�t her blood brother? It was all too much to bear for now�but some day she would understand it. Walking over to the man she had called father all her life she wrapped her delicate arms around him and hugged him firmly.

    �I know your not my true daddy, but you treated me like your little girl. I will always love you and think of you as my father�but your right I must be off. I need to see the world and see what I can do to help avenge my true parent�s deaths. Oh and don�t worry Omarion will always have a place in my heart and when I see those bandits again there will be hell to pay! I love you daddy and tell mama I love her too!� After saying this the young half human half cat girl gathered the supplies Ronin had left for her and set out into the world. She had two goals, to find out what happened to her true parents and if evil did cause there deaths to avenge them by righting the wrong and her other goal was to hunt down those bandits who had taken the life of her beloved brother. Those were her goals but whatever else she encountered along her way in the world she was about to travel in. She was set and ready for whatever happened.

    It has been quite some time since Rainee left her small mountain village in Nihon. She had at first started to try and find information about where the bandits who had taken her brother's life were hiding. Finding herself in the fields of Corone, she came upon a small camp. Filled with white canvas tents and still warm fires. However, a death camp it turned out to be. Bandits lay strewn there dead, not even one was left alive for her to question. Disappointed, she soon met with the bandit's killer. A large robot like man, who she ended up losing to in battle. Luckily, she didn't die, for he threw a white cat medallion at her, before leaving. This medallion saved her life and she got to see a vague glimpse of her dearly departed mother through its powers.

    Not too soon after this battle, Rainee found herself still in Corone, though this time it was for different reasons. She had been staying in an inn, mainly because she didn't feel like leaving Corone, when something her mother had given her was stolen by a thief. Angry she followed the thief away from the safety of the inn and soon was saved by a mysterious young man who spoke mainly french. He seemed so sweet that she was almost seduced by him, but he turned out to be a vampire and she saved herself from his trap at the last second. They battled, with she barely saving her life, she lost a strand of her hair in that battle, but luckily was saved by the Corone townspeople. From this battle she has had a fear of vampires and is always wary and careful around them. If she meets one she'd trust the females much more then the males.

    Not to soon after her newly found fear of vampires, she soon moved over from Corone to the Peaceful Promenade. Here she entered a tavern to find a girl with long dark hair, who was looking for companions to join her on a quest to save her home country. Feeling symphany for the girl, Rainee agreed to help her, and here she met a young man named Logan Mcloud and a cold, seemingly emotionless man named Seth Dahlios. She didn't stay long with them, but she learned some new things and agreed to help Jasmine in her quest. However, she was a bit miffed at how Seth treated her, and after agreeing to help, she quickly left because she couldn't stand to be in the cold man's prescence anymore.

    Next, she stayed at an inn, in the peaceful promenade and found herself in a toy shop. There she bought herself a silver and blue ball of yarn which she still carrys with her now, furthermore she met a young chimera kitty-boy by the name of Itchy there. He had saved her from falling when she had tried to save him from falling after they had scared each other upon their first meeting. Slowly they grew to know each other by sharing dinner at an inn that Itchy was staying at. Rainee agreed to share a room with him, solely because he kind of reminded her of her lost brother Omarion. However, as the time progressed, she soon realized Itchy had feelings for her. The next morning her first kiss was stolen when Itchy kissed her gently but passionately. Then he left her an ameythst choker as a sign of love or freindship and left. This had her brain whirling and she is still thinking of what to do over what happened with her and Itchy in that tavern inn.

    After that she moved back to Corone, simply to see if there was anything left for her to do there. Not to long there she found herself in yet another tavern. But unlike her other ones, this one was crowded immensely. Here she met Maia, and funny though it may seem, an accident had happened where Maia was turned into a cat boy named Maian. Feeling symapthatic for her freind Rainee agreed to aid Maia in finding an antidote for her dilemna, despite the risks of her switching genders herself. She wanted to do this, because Maia had been a good friend to her in the BSA and helped her out when she needed it.

    Soon after this interesting turns in her life, she found herself yet again in the Peaceful Promenade, and yet again in another tavern. She had gone here to try and sort out her boy problems, but instead of sorting them out she got herself into quite a humorous mess. A boy was in the tavern, a boy who had grown up in a monstrary surrounded by men, was trying to get a date. He just so happened to zone in on Rainee the minute she walked in the door and literally did some very hentai like things to her. Like feeling up her thigh, and stuff like that. She on the other hand, beat him up with the bow of her arrows, her fists and a rock. All in all though she became freinds and asked him to join the Furry Protectrate which was a clan she had helped form with one of her cat boy freinds Leon. This is all she has done up to this point, she is still traveling and searching for the bandits who took her brother's life and trying to find all thei information she can about the noble who is supposed to have killed her parents.

    Things haven't really changed too much for the cat girl. Though she had an interesting challenge. Spurred on by the fact that Sir Palloten. The head knights of the Scara Brae needed a new general she joined the tourment the Magus Cup. She didn't know who her opponent was, but when she saw the cute sweet little boy in front of her she couldnt' fight him. The fight consisted of her dodging the boys dangerous toys, finally she managed to get a hold of a small jeweled golden egg. What she didn't know was a lightning storm seethed within the small item. Releasing it, both Rainee and the boy were hit by it and both knocked unconscious. However, since they had tied the leaders of the tournment decided to let Tobias advance, seeing as he was the younger one and needed more expierience in the ways of fighting.

    A few weeks after this, after she had recovered and healed from her fight in the tournment, she found herself in the red skys of Haidia. She desperately needed a job, so picking up a flyer she saw in a normal every day tavern. She begin to follow the direcitons. However, she ran into a vampire first and fought and killed it. Stealing the female vampire's hat and trenchcoat she calmly made her way to Grace Productions. Upon entering she soon found herself hired. THis helped her a bit because now she'd have the funds needed to do the things she needed to do. Here she met Brock Rudgren, the local showstopper, the two of htem begin to slowly develop feelings for one and other but, Mavena the sorcress and slinky seductress working for the company tried to pull them apart. Soon the two set out and retrieved the PLume Filigree, now as they traveled, Rainee was wooed by his music and soon devloped feelings for him. At the end in fear for both the cat-girl's and Brock's lives they made a deal with the Deimis and stormed hte building where Grace Productions was staying. Mavena ended up nearly kililng Brock in this raid, but Rainee saved brock and injured Mavena making hte haughty woman disappear. IN that thread Rainee recieved the sword she now has and she also ended up kissing Brock at the end.

    Not to shortly after this Rainee and Brock moved in together. however things didn't work out for the best, Rainee tried to be upbeat but sadness was knocking at her door. With a heavy heart, she left Brock after cooking him a yummy dinner of fresh fish and potatoes. Leaving him a little gold necklace she scurried back from Haidia to Corone. Will Brock and her get back together? Only time will tell, and also she still need to find out information about her past, so that she can finaly confront the noble that haunts her mind form time to time.

    Much has happen since we last left off with Rainee. She has made many freinds, Itchy, Leon and her love for Corin/Brock has deepened. Last where we left off Brock and Rainee had split but over a bar fight they reconciled when Corin(He is now a hybrid) saved her. She found a sparrow whom she named Feather in the tavern. After healing the bird, it is now her familiar. Its powers right now are unknown but much later they will be discovered.

    However, there were some perils in Corin's and Rainee's relationship, before he changed he was taking over by a succubus spirit and almost seduced Rainee to her death. Luckly Rainee's will prevailed with Damon Kaosi's help. She now has a strong ally to call upon should she be in great danger.

    She also was forced to relive her past when a bunch of cat anthros had to help save a tavern from a group of rowdy bandits. This shook her up, but she managed to keep calm thanks to her freinds Kira, Leon and Itchy.

    She also had one more brush in with bandits at the threatre of war. She and her beloved fought them off but she nearly lost her love. Now she is nuturing her relationship wtih Corin to a much deeper level and still planning out what she is going to do in the future.

    ♫ -THEME- ♫
    I watched you fall apart and chased you to the end
    I'm left with emptiness that words can not defend
    You'll never know what I became because of you
    Ten thousand promises, ten thousand ways to lose

    P O W E R L E S S

    -Profile Layout by Amari-
    Last edited by Amari; 08-20-2017 at 07:26 AM.

  5. #5
    Let Them Sing

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    Why no Shin profile? ;_;

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    Did you want me to pretty-fy it? I can if you want. I'll even add glitter for you! <3

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    Let Them Sing

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    Yus please. Do I need to link you?

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