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  1. #1
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    Spacemanspark's Avatar


    Spark 5.5
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    When's the part where security barges in and tases everyone? And then horribly terminates to an abomination of sorts? This unit would desire to skip to that part. Spark actual processes, merely watching as the dialogue went on and on. It appeared the tiny dark organic still believed it to be a 'golem' or otherwise bound to a 'master'. Well, at least this unit's mobile counterpart tried to explain it. And even offer to act as equals it notes. It continues to monitor the conversation emotionlessly. It had its satchel, its ally was secure, and at present there was no combat taking place, and thusly there was little point in getting involved for now. The organics and other creatures argued amongst themselves, screaming and yelling now. Spark noticed that several organics in the area were starting to panic, some running and hiding. The mothganic from earlier hid behind another similarly frightened looking organic... eating food. Of course.

    Suddenly, there was a loud SMASH, and a stool went flying into a wall. Spark turned to examine the source, seeing an odd looking female organic with a tail standing and glaring at them. Intriguing. Spark briefly contemplated if being able to take in sustenance was a desirable outcome, just to have some popcorn while it watched this shitshow continue.

    Admittedly, however, Spark was impressed by the way the tailed organic handled the scenario, immediately challenging and attempting to immediately shut down the arguers. When she turned to Spark and addressed it, both synthetics tilted their heads, emitting a small ping of approval. "Even if this unit cannot process 'enjoyment', it is nominal to see something not trying to manipulate it." Spark actual notes to its counterpart, who beeps in response. They look at the organic female again, and nod. "...Affirmative."

    A small alarm blares within the internal HUD on Spark's chassis. Its cell was starting to overcharge, and it was recommended to deplete the excess energy soon. Spark buzzed, deciding to deal with this sooner rather than later. It turns around, and attempts to move...

    Only to find that its leg hydraulics were moving half their regular speed, for an unexplained reason. How bothersome. Spark buzzes again, and, deciding to fix the problem immediately, slams its palm into the ground, firing a bolt directly down into it. There's a loud BANG as a small hole in the floor is created around Spark's palm, lightning surging into it.

    "That may cause more panic. Try to explain your actions after this." the mobile counterpart notes, watching a few of the residents jump horrifically at the sound. Spark buzzes for a third time, turning its CRT display to the tavern residents.

    "Unit is merely releasing excess energy; do not be alarmed." is the only thing it shouts out to the crowd. It doesn't seem to particularly care about raising alarm at this point, it's already brought enough attention to itself. After it's completed this task, it stands again, slowly wandering over to the tailed organic female, its hydraulics fighting it the whole way. Perhaps they could be of better assistance to it.
    Glory to Synthetica!

  2. #2
    Senior Member

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    Level completed: 79%,
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    Yvonne Mythrilmantle
    Grey Dwarf

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    The rippling butterfly effect of a single satchel snatch sure was beautiful to behold.

    Yvonne raised an imperious eyebrow and cast a sidelong look in Keeara’s direction, crossing her arms, standing her ground. She offered a wry response to the dragonite and little else for the moment.

    “Ye be one cranky dolphin,” she remarked. That crude barrage could only come from the drying throat of a slowly-sobering alcoholic. Of course - the drinks no longer flowed. The barkeep had abandoned their post, gone to fetch the city guard. The ebony-skinned hybrid would have to take their place, brew up a few more drinks or Keeara would never settle down. She couldn’t do that until the demon minded his own business though.

    Yvonne followed Henry with unfathomable silver eyes as he walked away from it all, cradling a thirty-something year old fae in his arms as though the thief would fit right in at the orphanage. The bard’s misinterpretation played in their favour and may have convinced other patrons at the restaurant that this was a misunderstanding - a naive child with sticky fingers indeed. Regardless, Fennik silently left the scene of the crime with a get-away almost too good to be true. He didn’t even need to flee!

    She did everything she could to keep a straight face while watching her friends go, the minstrel carrying the other like a pampered little prince. The conniving rascal had even convinced her he felt scared. Those trembles looked real! Wow, must have practiced those in a mirror - unless this demon’s power influenced everyone in the room as Henry had inferred. Could Nosdyn really wield fear like a weapon and affect everyone nearby? The half-dwarf had assumed the demon only attempted to manipulate her mind, but if others felt the same terror she’d shaken free of earlier…

    Looking around The Slaughtered Lamb the tables and chairs had mostly emptied, some patrons leaving while they had a chance, before things got rough. A couple had even abandoned their meals, cutlery still protruding from a slice of meat and resting upon potatoes. More must have scurried away even before her friends had walked out, when she’d experienced the first wave of panic pierce her awareness.

    A loud bang caused more cries of alarm and quickly saw to it that anyone who wasn’t anyone got up and left too. Yvonne thought a gun had gone off, instinctively ducking her head until realization set in. None other than Spark - the victim of banditry itself - had vandalized the floor, making a small crater in the wooden floorboards. That mark wouldn’t come out easily. The owner of this business would not be impressed when they found it.

    Sighing, the drow-dwarf shook her head and looked back to Nosdyn. Her eyes narrowed but her tone had quietened, just for his ears.

    “I’ll safeguard me friends from any threat, no matter tha mischief they find themselves in. They need protection. I give it. Ye go anywhere near that boy and I’ll be there, stopping ye. That be tha right thing ta do and ta hell with yer consequences,” the half-and-halfling whispered. “A little something for ye ta think on, demon.”

    With that she turned on her heel and relaxed her folded arms, walking briskly toward the bar. Now that Fennik wasn’t exactly here, and she didn’t need to be his body barrier, she might have a chance to make that brew for Keeara. The tip of her head didn’t even peep over the countertop as she set to work, the sound of a bottle shaking all that they could hear.

    A small hand slapped a saucer down on the counter with a pang, her other hand setting a shot glass upon the saucer filled with a clear alcohol. Yvonne collected a pint glass and poured about a shot or so of brown liquid into it. She lit that on fire - yes, on fire - with her firestarter tool and swirled the flaming liquid around until the glass felt hot. The expert barmaid poured the fiery fluid into the shot glass on the counter, igniting the first, the flame spreading into the saucepan.

    The perfect moment for the cavalry to arrive, the manager in tow. The commanding officer of the city guard stormed into the restaurant and assessed the situation. The business owner stood in the doorway, shocked.

    “That’s them! That one’s raiding my bar and setting my counter on fire!” the manager shouted.

    “What’s the meaning of all this!?” William Blake yelled, before pacing in her direction.

    Yvonne ignored them, hovered the empty glass over the fire, catching vapour. She sprinkled some cinnamon - every dash fanning the flames - and then covered one glass with the other to really condense the vapour. Blowing out the embers around the saucepan she grabbed some ice, iced the vapour glass and covered the opening with her palm. Turning it the right way up, slotting a straw in between her fingers, she offered the cocktail to Keeara-- just in time for her to take it as Yvonne was apprehended.

    “You’re coming with me, Miss,” Blake stated, unimpressed with her theatrics. “You can spend some time in a cell and think about what you’ve done.” He bent her arm behind her back and pushed her out from behind the counter, leading her across the room.

    “You scared away all my customers!” the owner cried. “What were you doing behind-- my floor!”

    “Guilty as charged,” Yvonne claimed with a smile. “I’ll repair it myself if ye like.”

    “You’ll not come back into my restaurant, you nasty little vermin,” the proprietor sneered. “Get out and stay out!”

    Yvonne walked willingly, looking unconcerned. She gave Nosdyn a sly smile as she passed him by and exited the restaurant through the front door, the officer taking her away to the guard barracks and her well earned sleeping quarters. She gave no resistance to the officer of the law. It seemed like the little matriarch had lost all control of the situation, and while not everything had gone to plan, she felt more than content with the resolution.

    Henry, safe. Fennik, safe. Spark, safe. Keeara, sipping a Backdraft. Nosdyn contemplating his stance on good and evil. Aye, all in their place.
    So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree.
    Singing this will be my victory.
    Then I, I see them coming after me.
    And they’re following me across the sea.
    And now they’re stinging my friends and my family.
    And I, I don’t know why this is happening.
    ~ Thrice, Black Honey.

  3. #3

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
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    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
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    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

  4. #4

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
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    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
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    Thread Name: The Wayward Soul
    Judgement Type: Basic Judgement
    Participants: See below


    905 exp
    105 gold

    850 exp
    95 gold

    740 exp
    85 gold

    350 exp
    55 gold

    The Rambler
    385 exp
    55 gold

    175 exp
    30 gold

    195 exp
    30 gold

    "Teamwork is the ability to work as a group toward a common vision, even if that vision becomes extremely blurry." ~Author unknown
    Last edited by Philomel; 07-23-2018 at 05:15 PM.
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

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