“An old crook you say?”

Her hushed voice questioned as her mind was awash with considerations. If this wretched drunk had been involved in the criminal element for a time and had some sort of bounty hunter pursuing him then maybe there was information to gain. Perhaps he had knowledge of the child snatching ring going on in this city. He had to.

Cocking her head back the remainder of the gin rushed down her throat. As the other two dark elves were walking out of the pub the inventive elf knew she’d need to be close behind. Although, that didn’t mean she was willing to let her drink go unfinished. A bit of liquid courage could prove useful if the bartender’s warning had merit behind it.

“I appreciate it. I’ll be running home now,” she insisted. If this ‘crook’ wasn’t involved in the kidnapping ring she would likely find herself back at this establishment later in the evening. Would be wise to stay on the owner’s good side.

Lilly was unsure exactly what a Huntsman was but they sounded like they hunted things. And this one in particular certainly looked menacing as he followed the criminal out the front door. Maybe she could convince this ‘Huntsman’ to help her? Or at the very least persuade him to allow the young elf to ask a few questions of his target. The slate skinned woman was not about to let this opportunity slip through her fingers.

Using both hands she pressed her snowy hair behind both ears and pulled her black hood over the top of her head. As she stepped through the threshold of the taproom her left hand pulled the lower section of her cloak up over mouth and nostril. She was following two drow, though it was unlikely she did not want to welcome the unnecessary risk of either of them identifying her as Lilthis Shadefell.

As the dark elf entered unto the cold of night she could see the two figures ahead of her proceeding at a slow pace. Sulking behind Lilly hoped to go unnoticed until the bounty hunter made his move. At which point she could try and step in. However, what if the predator was simply looking to kill his prey? That would not do at all.

Her pace quickened as she hoped to intercept the chase. Maybe if she could get between them it would delay any violence until after she could uncover the gang’s hideout. Though that could put her life at risk if she tri-

One foot after another was the usual method of travel. Unfortunately in her rush to catch up one of legs crossed with the other as the slender drow collided with the ground, loudly. The crash was intense enough to garner the attention of the fleeing criminal and as he turned to examine the collapsed young woman he almost certainly caught a glimpse of the Huntsman who was tailing him.