Breathing accelerated up to, “dear god I’m going to die,” levels as the elven girl watched the monstrosity kill his victim effortlessly. When the glance of his silvery eyes met Lilly she felt as if her heart may burst from within her chest. The crow skinned woman had never seen death before, aside from her own near-death experience in that foul mine. It was visceral, shallow, and cold.

As she was about to begin pleading for her life, insisting she saw nothing and the menacing drow should just let her leave, the Huntsman opened his mouth and recommended she return to the bar and indulge herself in alcoholic comfort. For a moment that idea seemed exhilarating. Run as far from this gruesome scene as her legs would carry her into the comfort of those less terrifying than the necksnapper in front of her.

But no, that was not an option. She needed to see this through. In order to recover from her own trauma she needed to know she played some part, however small, in carrying out vengeance against those who had harmed her.

“You... you didn’t have to kill him,” she said weakly. Her mind still attempting to process what had happened. While the young elf knew death would accompany this venture she had not expected to be so incredibly close to it.

Lilly’s pale blue irises scanned over the corpse at her feet. Scarlet began painting the rounded edges of cobblestone as blood continued to rush from the gash in the dead body’s leg. The chilling look on his empty face matched the temperature of the frigid night’s air. The dark elf brute seemed unaffected. The young tinkerer felt like vomiting.

She broke eye contact with the fallen crook and looked over the threatening man standing over his handiwork. The girl steeled herself, clenching her jaw. There was no debating it. She had to press on, she had to finish this foolishness she had started. Hopefully this dark hunter was capable enough to carry out the task before them.

“I’m going to accompany you,” the resolute girl protested after several seconds of silence, “someone has to make sure you aren’t indiscriminately murdering people.”