This guy is intense, what am I getting myself into?

She pondered to herself as the disturbing hunter before her not only justified the corpse between the pair but also warned of further carnage to come. She found it absolutely insane that he could be so... so... nonchalant with bringing about the death of others. Worst still, he was now talking as if she was some sort of invalid.

He’ll move at a ‘slower pace’ for me? Why? Because the poor young damsel wasn’t comfortable with ending lives on a public road? Just because I’m not exactly comfortable with snuffing out a life on a whim doesn’t mean I can’t walk!

Before she could reprimand the violent force who had insulted her the man turned and began his trek towards the aforementioned warehouse. Taken aback by the quick conversation and sudden departure Lilly stood there for a moment, unsure what to do. When it became obvious the hunter wasn’t going to wait up for her the slate elf tip-toed over the fallen crook and speedily tried to catch up with the determined killer. She was suddenly glad that he was slowing his pace now.

Once she could see his grizzled face she chose her words carefully before she confronted him, “so, what? You act as judge, jury, and executioner? How do you know for certain that your targets are guilty of anything?” She hoped she wasn’t overstepping. This hunter could break her like a twig. Her tirade ended with a simple statement, “without the rule of law there’s nothing separating us from animals.”

Lilthis knew she was probably wasting her breath. This Huntsman likely had a code. He had already figured out his morality in all of this. She was still interested in knowing how someone could kill so effortlessly with a clean conscious. But, she was still slightly terrified of this predator. Only slightly. Knowing that he was willing to take her along relaxed her nerves a bit. Still, she did not want to incur his wrath and the young elf figured that it may be prudent to add some sugar to all of the spice she was tossing his way.

Smiling she offered, “well I suppose if we’re going to get into this mess together we should at least know each other’s names.” She extended a slender right hand, fingers flatly pressed together, and shared with him, “I’m Lillian Svalesin, you may call me Lilly. It’s nice to meet you.” Walking with her arm still extended the friendly elf inquired, “your name is?”