"No one is beyond redemption," the young girl offered.

She placed thin fingers attached to meager hands into her pockets. Contemplating for a moment, realizing she did not wish to push this any further. It made sense to her now. This was his job and he had a conscience. A conscience that insisted that those he killed were not men and women, no, they were monsters. Devoid of a soul, lacking families and loved ones, they were beyond saving in his worldview. Whether he told himself this to make his career simpler or if he truly believed it was something beyond her. Either way it was not a subject she wished to push much further, if he lied to himself in order to make life a tad easier who was she to take that from him?

The dark elven woman's boots skittered upon the cobblestone as the pair paced ahead. Pale blue pupils gazed up to view the intimidating elf, "I am glad that I have met you Fil'ayn," she finally issued. Opening her narrow lips once more she offered, "I had reasoned that I may need to pay gold in order to snuff out this ring of thieves... after finding them of course. Our meeting was quite lucky."

Lilly glanced back at her feet as they marched on. It was rather obvious that the menacing form walking beside her had considered her ill-equipped for the task ahead. And he was mostly correct. Well, not mostly, he was exactly correct. Though she had many skills fighting criminals was not one of them. Eventually he declared his assumed use for her. To comfort captive children. She wasn't exactly great with kids either.

"I am not a complete fool," the girl eventually said. "I know that this venture will require bloodshed, I know that you cannot storm a criminal's den without death," removing her hand's from her pockets she continued, "but if we can limit death I believe we should." There was, of course, one last thing she wished to clarify, "and I am all too familiar with our foe. I have had the misery to encounter them before. There is no sympathy for them within me, but, I would still request we avoid violence where possible."