My initial ideas were to have Yvonne lead a mass exodus of multi-cultural peoples from affected areas, to attempt to keep the widespread panic under control. She sends town criers into each affected country to encourage anyone looking for a fresh start to join the exodus. Clean water and edible food will be transported to them by her caravan contacts (they have supplies safely kept in storage to capitalize on events like these). She arranges what ships she can to take them across the sea, but the people following her are so numerous many will need to be built in Southern Raiaera. Which, with so many hands and fear of the apocalypse, doesn't take them long.

Ultimately Yvonne racks up an enormous debt looking out for so many people, buying food and water at exorbitant prices, paying for ship captains and caravan logistics. However, her good deeds are an investment in the people which she records in her books. She intends to pay her debts over time with interest.

How is she going to do that, with so many hungry bellies to feed and shelter to provide? Well, she's going to organize the construction of a new city of course, start her own economy and multi-cultural society in Dheathain. There's plenty of unused space over there and the air is free of volcanic ash. She'll need to speak directly with the fae rulers who already govern the region, and I don't expect them to be at all happy with the mass mainland migration she's brought to their land, but she'll talk them around, possibly with help from trusted friends. She's had practice with speaking to kings, right?

The city will be a haven to all kinds of tribes and monster races. Heavy on populations of Kobolds, Orcs, Ratkin and Trolls, with notable mentions of Ogres and Giants. Humans are few (they're adaptable) and some high elves and dwarves followed her too. Some of the locals also become curious about all the big changes, so some drakari and fae pitch in. Literally everyone who wanted to get out of the end of days instead of facing it comes with.

It's a boiling pot of racial rivalries which Yvonne is quick to quell, and no doubt the city of monsters will be seiged in future on account of it being a city of monsters and outcasts, but she fully intends to found a matriarchal society on the tenets of... I don't know, green living, working together and productivity, trade and acceptance of all peoples.

I would be happy to invite anyone who expects to survive the apocalypse and those who would seek to undermine such grandiose survival efforts.