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  1. #1
    Supreme Overlord

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    Max Dirks

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    So, I'm not liking that the only submissions so far are closed. That's not really going to work.

    For Unfinished Business, how does your proposed story (as well as your faction), tie into the overall disaster arc?

    For All Nightmare Long and Tap Tinkerer, I have to be honest, I don't like the idea of 16 NPC assassins without names, goals, or a registered faction (and specifically tied to your writing and story arc), affecting essentially all of Corone in Round 1 with no lead up. You realize that everyone who posts in a Corone based thread will have to address the Tap problems? Please revise this with more details.

    Hearing Without Listening seems like an ideal open thread because it would tie well into people just generically treating volcanic effects and Josh could still chase his assassin.

    There is no need for Datura Midnight and Hearing Without Listening to be separate threads.

    With Burning Flag, there is no reason to make that a closed thread. Others can render aid without being a part of the Brotherhood plans.

    Points, counter points? Lets flesh this out. Frankly, this is the type of specificity I expect in the final round. And none of this is inclusive.

  2. #2
    Apathy Elemental

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    Madison Freebird

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    Quote Originally Posted by Max Dirks View Post
    For Unfinished Business, how does your proposed story (as well as your faction), tie into the overall disaster arc?
    As stated in the Faction Registration for Contagion, "Madison and Amari seek to provide a long-term survival solution to those who wish to ride out the storm by researching Xem'Zund's necromantic magic and combining it with Madison's hyper-evolved strain of cordyceps." While everyone else is out there trynna' topple governments or punch a volcano or whatever, someone has to go about trying to figure out how to make sure people survive to rebuild. Madison just has a twisted definition of "saving" people. Preserve the body through supernecromancy, preserve the mind with cordyceps.

    And as for the thread itself, in order to learn and understand Xem'Zund's magic and figure out how to utilize it in the way she needs to, she needs to hunt down his Living Archives, which contain all the information she needs to get started. And with time of the essence, considering a giant cloud of volcanic ash is beginning to wreak havoc across the world and all, she needs to get a move on.

    My idea's not that complicated, and it ties in with what else is going on around the world during the timeline of the FQ.

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