Then why did she shout?

Josette's weight shifted from one foot to the other, her frown growing deeper. The flickering gold light cast by the lantern carved eerie shadows into the night, and the great mounds of junk that towered above were oddly confining. The middle of a junk yard was not where she had envisioned spending her evening, and if she had her way, she would linger no longer than absolutely necessary.

"So," the stranger drawled, shattered the silence that seemed to make them both uncomfortable. "What brings you out here tonight?"

"Your scream."

The brunette's relief rolled across her face like a warm breeze. The woman was so animated, Josette noted. Her expressions were so big on her small body that it was almost comical. She could be read as easily as a book, which the knight supposed made her job easier. But as someone who preferred the more subtle, the stranger felt a bit too obnoxious for Josette to feel at ease.

Slipping her gun into the holster as nonchalantly as possible, the odd little woman continued. "So you aren't here to arrest me then?"

Josette's eyebrows rose, and she eyed the woman suspiciously. Of course, she also fought to keep her lips from betraying the amusement she found in the situation. Perhaps it was the stranger's size, or the silly smile plastered across her face, but she reminded the knight of a child avoiding a parent's scolding. "Do I have cause to?"

"Nope!" The answer came far too quickly to be believable, and the ever-growing grin was just as fraudulent. Josette easily recognized the tell-tale signs of a blatant lie, but the motivation, and the truth, remained a mystery. As such, she remained silent, merely watching her companion for any further clues. Based on her performance so far, the stranger would give everything away in due time.

But the stranger did not wish to provide her with more time. "Well," she continued, "I must be going now. It was great talking to you..." Her voice trailed, undoubtedly waiting for Josette to provide her name. The knight did no such thing. Forced to improvise, the woman flashed a strange gesture, in which her hands were fisted, save for a single digit, which rose toward the dark sky. "Great. Cool. Take care now."