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  1. #1
    Junior Member

    EXP: 575, Level: 1
    Level completed: 29%, EXP required for next Level: 1,425
    Level completed: 29%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,425


    I chuckled and rolled my arm. “You’re welcome to touch if you want. Besides. I don’t know what kind of idiots you’ve dealt with - obviously incompetent ones - but being affectionate after sex is healthy. Just getting up and walking away is… not a good sign, at all. And in case you haven’t noticed, I am looking forward to continued relations to you.” I suddenly had a wicked idea, and grinned widely - but that was for another time. “As both a business partner and.. Well.” I trailed my tail up along her body, along the swell of her hip to drag along her stomach, then reversed it to settle at her lower back, so my tail was draped across us both. Keeping Ayaka pleased and working with me could only work well in the future, and if it took sexual release to get her to cooperate better - well, I wasn’t going to complain.

    Besides. Having her firmly planted on my side would serve me well when I moved to start setting up my House, if I couldn’t find a way back home. Assassins and poison makers went side by side and it would be nice to have one I could trust. I didn’t yet - how could I, when we’d known each other for a day? No, I didn’t trust her yet. But the seeds were there, hopefully on both sides. I could sway her, with the promise of pay, or with my body if need be - hopefully the latter, but either worked in a pinch.

    “I am too.” Came her slow, entranced reply. “Looking forward to working with you.” She shut her eyes slowly. Hmm, trusted me enough to go to sleep beside me. That was fine. A good sign, actually. I let her rest, unsure if she was actually going to sleep or just dozing beside me. It was… strange. Even though the partners I had been with had mostly preferred to stay around for a little bit afterwards, none of them had actually gone to sleep on me, if that was actually what she was doing. I reached down and flicked the blanket up over us - mostly over her, she was generating more than enough heat to keep me warm - and folded an arm under my head as I stared up at the ceiling.

    Was this what they called landing on your feet with a golden egg in your hand? Go on an assassination contract of a fucking mage, get teleported to another world when he tries running.Survive the fall from Shadows know how far up, only to immediately have someone come scavenging. End up going home with said scavenger - and finding out she’s actually an alchemist, can let me speak the language of the new world, and is a hot fuck on top of it. My situation could be far worse. Well. These were the cards I had been dealt. And now I had a bit of insurance against the house. When she next awoke - her breathing had steadied out, fallen into a rhythmic cycle - I could begin talking with her about potential targets. She’d know far better than I the situation in this land, and who I could quietly off to make the both of us some money.

    That, or she had some grudges, I’m sure. I wouldn’t mind.

    “Hey….” Came her quiet muffled voice. She was half asleep. I gave a soft grunt in reply, to prompt her onwards. I had thought she was fully asleep, but guess not. “I like yer twisted soul.” I blinked. I had… not expected that.

    “I came by it honestly. I’m sure yours is a far sight better than mine, though.” I shrugged.

    “No. It isn’t.” Came her hard reply as she nestled her face back into my chest. What in the name of the Shadows. I hadn’t expected her to be this affectionate, not that I was complaining. I curled my arm and tail around her tighter. She was half asleep, half tranced, and had managed to sexually relieve herself for… If I was not mistaken the first time in three years. That must have been it. Still - I could show her affection, and if it secured her to me, that worked out just fine. She burrowed into my hold, one hand drifting up to hold onto my tail around her hips, and her arm came back onto my chest and she began to hold on.

    She seemed….Lonely, and that lonliness could be quelled, if I played my cards right. I’d barely need to hypnotize her.

    Yes. This was the most fortunate I could have been.

  2. #2
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Estus receives 575 EXP and 80 GP!

    Ayaka receives 520 EXP and 65 GP!

  3. #3
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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