Hmm. This scrappy little thing had stabbed me. I could feel a toxin of some kind creeping out from the wound, making my body lock up slightly. So, some kind of paralytic, then? I finished strangling the beast-breed, and let the limp body fall to the ground into the boneless heap. Now then. Was this a true assassin? Or just opportunistic? I swiftly pulled thin wire from my pouch and bound its arms and legs - huh, it had a fucking tail. Tie that too, don't know how versatile it is.

I sat back and down, staring at the figure as I felt the paralytic creep over me. While I was tying the furred being up I hadn’t noticed any useful vials on them, so no antidote was to be had. We would be at a stalemate, this thing tied tightly, and me wearing off the effects of this toxin.

As I sat, I considered them. The hair, ears and tail were all coated in a light brown fur. The skin was a slightly darker color. A sign that they spent some time outside. They wore flowy clothes of red and white that provided no protection from an attacker. The backpack was filled with strange plants. So was the shoulder bag. I could take a guess that this little scrap had made the poison that tipped the blade. The chest was ample and curved, and when I had been strangling them to know who they were, their skin had been soft, supple, and yielding beneath my grasp.

So then, a female, likely? A cruel smile split my lips. She stirred, breathed, and started hissing and shouting at me in a language I didn't understand. Angry yellowed eyes, slitted like my own stared back at me. Unafraid. Was she stupid? Or merely headstrong? She pulled tight at the wires. She wouldn't be able just pull free of those-

My eyes widened as she tore one hand out of them, they shifted to her - ah. Claws. Feisty. Smart. I tilted my head to the side noting the blood that dripped from them. She had hurt herself to get out. I hadn't anticipated claws, but I didn't know her race. She, still partially bound threw her weight into me sending me toppling to the floor. After some wriggling she had managed to place her knees firmly in my crotch. It was painful. I narrowed my eyes. She didn't think I was fully paralyzed, did she?

She spat words at me demands I didn't understand. Dug a knee down. She did. Little chit. I narrowed my eyes at her, and that was all the warning she had before my tail shot up from beside me and coiled around her throat, tightening around her neck and lifting her negligible weight off of me. $”Dumb little kitten. Careful or I'll make you kiss it better.”$ I knew she couldn't understand me anymore than I could understand her as I flung her still tied up body at the ground. She hit the earth, but before she could scrabble up I was straddling her, my legs on either side of her generous chest, my knees pinning her arms to the earth. No more claws for her, or for me.
$”Now what should I do with you? I'm sure you'll be a useful thing, little poison maker.”$ She knew this world’s poisons and plants. I could use that. But she was strong willed, clearly, fighting back against strangulation to stab me, or even now bucking against me trying to throw me off. So I couldn't just hypnotize her. No, I had to… I smirked.

Before she could react I bit down, fangs flashing out to pierce her shoulder. I let my second venom flow into her body, addling her mind.

Her bucking slowed and her breathing steadied. I expected her to be screaming in pain, I was in another world and she, a strange species. It would make sense we would be incompatible. Instead her fight waned and she looked up at me with glazed eyes, laced with a delectable confusion. What a welcoming turn of events. I could tell it hadn’t taken full effect, she must have some sort of immunity to toxins, or at the very least - a tolerance to it. She muttered something to me, as her hand slid out from under my weight, I allowed it. She was in no position to fight. She pointed to her throat then to mine.

Good. Good, she was finally done fucking fighting. I didn't have to employ my full on hypnosis on her, nor did. I have to drug her to the absolute gills with my venom to get her to cooperate. Now more relaxed, I rolled off of her, coming up to my feet smoothly, my tail coiling back under my clothes.

Now then, the thing with the throats. Was that her saying she could let us speak? Interesting. I watched her as she writhed for a moment - and that was a very nice sight. She wasn’t thin by any means. Her body held curves. Meaty. Tender.

She lifted herself up and pried the wire off of her legs, shuffling out of it. She shot me a glare as she patted herself down and went to picking up her belongings. She quickly fished out an empty vial and tapped it against her teeth then pointed to her neck, then to me. I raised an eyebrow. She wanted my venom? Well. She wasn’t getting it like that. I snorted and shook my head once.