In all honesty, Ayaka couldn’t remember asking him such a thing - but - it sorta felt like she had. And he was looming over her, and she was still… ah fuck it. She rolled over to pick up the candles and put them a safe distance away. She didn’t need to start any fires in her home and shifted underneath Estus. She looped her arms loosely around his shoulders. “I don’t recall that.”

He let out a soft chuckle. “No, you had it in you, that’s right. Just like this.” She felt him pressing down on her, and she opened her legs wider to let him settle between them. This time was slower, steadier - none of the frantic edge of years of unwitting abstinence, none of the pent up madness of aphrodisiac fueled lust. But despite that - it was definitely charged. He had threatened it before -0 but he did make her bleed, using fangs and sharp scales to scratch and tear at her skin. At one point, she was pinned beneath him, his tail wrapped around her throat, and her vision was going black from lack of air - did go black for a few moments, but she was brought back as he continued steadily taking her. He bit her, leaving sharp stab marks in her tender flesh - though thankfully for her, she didn’t feel the unnatural warmth that came with his aphrodisiac, so he wasn’t trying to cheat and make her addicted.

She didn’t know when the candle came into play - but she did remember when she felt the sharp, hot sting of molten wax dripping onto her sensitive skin as he leaned back. Remembered crying out as he let it fall in careful patterns, with a large cap covering her nipples. He drove her mad, teasing her with his unchanging pace as he toyed with her body. She didn’t recall when the candle was put away - but did notice when they were moved. How versatile was his tail? She’d have to ask, or experiment. Then she was lost, because she felt this time, with their intimate connection, when he relaxed in an odd way, almost not there at all, but still a change - and his skin began shimmering in the candlelight. Her mind drifted away under this, her world narrowing down to the dance of light on his skin, and the steady, rhythmic thrusting that was bringing them to a temporary satiation.

She didn’t expect to yield to him so easily a second time. She lay, relaxed, underneath him as he hummed with an amused tone. His fingers dancing along her flesh. His skin still glittering like a moonlit lake.

“Remember now, kitten?” His voice was as amused as his humming, as his fingers continued to trail across her flesh. Idly scraping her sensitive skin, and she knew he could easily shift that to scratching her if he needed to. Or wanted to. He already had, and left marks across her body.

Ayaka wasn’t sure what she was meant to be remembering, she was - she felt satisfied and for the first time in ….fuck knows when, she felt no need for anything else. “Mmm….” Her eyes rolled up to his, dazed, content. “Fine. We can do that more often. If we must.” He rolled his head back and laughed. It was an odd sound, a low, steady chuckle underlaid by a definite hiss.

“Yes. And much more. I need to experiment with this lovely little body of yours in the future, and see how much you can handle.” He smirked, then settled back onto the bed, shifting one arm beneath her. She was confused for a moment, before he dragged her over to lean against him.

Cuddling was not something she was used to. Hell. When did….She furrowed her eyebrows. “I don’t remember ever doing somethin like this.” She muttered. He blinked, one orange eye twisting in her direction. She noticed now, in the low light, that his pupils had become rounder, fuller, obscuring the orange of his iris with black.

“What, laying in the afterglow?” He sounded confused. “I don’t hate you or feel an urgent need to leave you. Do you mind it?”

Her eyes danced over his skin, she felt entranced by it. Her fingers reached out and traced the patterns they made on his scales. “No…. I don’t and no. I haven’t.” She noticed he shivered at her touch, his body squirming oddly. “Why does it do that?” she asked.

“What?” He blinked. “Oh. When I’m relaxed like this, sensations feel different. Dragging your finger across my skin right now is… a weird sensation. Very…. Intimate.” He shrugged. “Non Ssulitani normally don’t like it when we relax, like I said. So being touched like this is very rare.”

Ayaka pulled away and snorted. “Don’t get used to it fucker.” Her words were bitter but her tone was placated. She shifted her arm away but her eyes remained transfixed on his skin.