Blue ears twitched feverishly, swiveling forward as the bells above the door danced and filled the felines ears with the musical sound of a newcomer. Eteri was charged with looking after the store for the afternoon so it was her who was cheerily standing behind the counter with a large smile upon her face. “Hello! Am Eteri! How can helping you today?” It was clear she was trying hard at being ‘professional’ yet her enthusiasm and energy betrayed her. She bounced up and down behind the counter before literally leaping over it with one hand on the counter, hefting herself over she bounded to the hooded figure. Barely giving the customer time to properly look at the wares.

“What needing? Is you sick? Fever? Need aphrodeesheeak?”

The customer looked at her with alarm, her body freezing in place. From beneath the hood two pink eyes stared out as the woman seemed stuck. Her lips formed a little circle as she paused.

Eteri didn’t pay the woman’s shocked demeanor any mind. “Is fine. Is fine. Nevin do lots good potions.” She turned to the shelves which were immaculately stacked with various potions and vials. “Mmm… You have old soul… maybe… let me seeing… something for vital ality?” She murmured as she picked up a vial of glimmering golden liquid. She shook it and held it out to the customer. “See this? Make energetic!”

The woman blinked a few times, seemingly taken aback by the enthusiasm. She was silent for a moment before her mouth began to move. “I … are you the alchemist?”

Eteri’s eyes widened as the thought crossed her mind… it’d be fun to pretend… but this was Nevin’s business. This was… his livelihood. The bluehaired catgirl slowly shook her head. “No.” She chewed on her lower lip as her eyes darted down to the glimmering vial as she turned it round and round in her fingers, watching the liquid shimmer. “Am just helping today. He is the busy. If want leave message can do?” She looked back up at the customer and placed the vial back on the shelf. “Pleasing tell Eteri what need?”

The customer seemed entranced by the vial too for a moment, before she looked awkwardly back at Eteri. “I … see. I don't know if that little potion will help,” she swallowed a little before glancing down at her shaking hand, then back at the catgirl. Sighing she continued. “I need something … more unique.”

Eteri grimaced and spoke her mind, often something Stare scolded her for. “Is very hard to help when not telling what need. What. Need?” Eteri asked again, her tail twitching back and forth. “Nevin has many things. Am sure can help.” Her smile widened once more as she puffed her chest out proudly. “He is a god so can do anything!”

Brows shot up, and the woman looked astounded for moment. “A god?” she asked, “There's a … oh.” She frowned slightly before looking around the back of the shop, as if expecting Nevin to jump out of nowhere. “Oh right.” A hand went up to pull it through her long, white hair, tugging strands out of the confines of her cloak. “What is he a god of?”

Eteri shuffled from one foot to the other. She was feeling both excited and frustrated. All she wanted to do was help. But the woman wasn’t being very specific. Eteri made a grumbling noise. “Later. Later… PLEASE let Eteri help. What NEED?” She said, exasperated. “If not wanting to tell…” Eteri pointed to the door. “Can go outside till figure out what need or look around. Eteri need to keep eye on store.”

Eyes narrowed, but the woman growled in a low voice, pulling on her cloak around her. “There is no need to shout at me,” she replied. “It's just slightly sensitive, that is all. Some would run away …” she sighed. “Can the alchemist make any potions that simulates blood?”

The catgirl tilted her head. Her ears flicking backward as she tried to process the request. “Like...potions made of blood? Nevin is blood alchemist? Why not just say so in first place!” Eteri huffed as she turned on her foot and headed over to the counter, gesturing for the other to follow.

“No … not potions made of blood. I need the minerals, the qualities of blood, what sustenance that it gives but …” the woman tailed off, running an anxious hand still they her hair as she followed Eteri. “Basically blood, but not ... a potion that has all the goodness of it. That he can make without harming people.”

Eteri was busy lifting a polished wooden box up and out from under the counter, she opened it to reveal three vials filled with viscous crimson liquid. Each cushioned by the contrasting dark blue hue of velvet lining.

Finally she looked up at the girl. Blinking with mild surprise as she saw the wisps of white hair and the bright hue of soft pink eyes staring cautiously at her. “Eh? Wait…” Eteri’s eyes furrowed in confusion. Did the woman just want a vial of blood? Did Nevin even have that? She’d have to check out the back to see if he did. He’d often keep vials of his own blood to work into his alchemy.

“So you wanting blood? Or not blood that is like fake blood? Can check for both?” Eteri asked as she tried to be helpful.

The woman extended a hand to touch the velvet around the vials. Her finger paused at it, as she leant over the gaze at the vials, lips parting in murmuring wonder. “Are these … what is this? Fake blood?”

Eteri shook her head as she possessively pulled the box closer toward her and further away from wandering fingers. “No. Nevin uses blood to crafting powerful potions.” Eteri gently shut the box and waited for the woman’s pink eyes to rise up to meet her own yellowed orbs.

“Does you need blood or faking blood? Need know so can check if have stock.” It was clear that Eteri was beginning to get agitated. Her prior joy being squashed by the cautious curiosity of the stranger. Eteri just wanted to help her. She just wanted to make everyone who came in better and make Nevin all the money.

All she wanted was to prove that she could do the thing but if everyone were to be like this… that’d be very hard indeed. “Please? Please?” Eteri asked as her tail twitched wildly behind her