Eteri blinked at the unexpected fall of the woman. It was inevitable really. She was denying herself basic sustenance and now she had to deal with this. “Hrmmmm....” A disapproving sound fell from Eteri’s lips as she pursed them, peering over the counter at the eerily pale woman. Normally, Eteri would have just pushed the body out of the shop and locked the door. Out of sight, out of mind and all that jazz. But Nevin would scold her. Apparently Eteri had to be more mindful of others.

She took a deep breath and her shoulders rose then fell as she sighed. If he had come home and found out that she had abandoned some vampire would not go down well. Eteri slipped off the counter, first one leg then the other as she slowly approached the woman.

Eteri shuffled further forward and leaned over her body. She was perfectly still…


Eteri reached out and lightly poked her cheek. No response. She repeated with the other. Her cheeks, and skin was just as soft as Eteri imagined, it was like her fingers were gently pressing into the finest of silks. The catgirl knew that the stranger didn’t like her hair touched but she was unconscious and if Eteri accidently…


She ‘accidently’ slipped and her hand landed in the tousled splay of white wispy hair. The charade was for no one, and was just for Eteri so she could confidently claim it was all one big accident. Eteri’s lips turned into an amused smile as she ran her hand over the silken strands. It was to do so.

Still… What would Nevin say if he were to find her in such a position? Eteri sighed as she stood up and with a great deal of effort quite literally dragged the unconscious woman into the back of the store. It was home to Eteri. Whilst she never technically paid rent or was her home as well as Nevins.

Down the recently swept hallway and past the door to Nevins workshop...through the neat and pristine kitchen and down another shorter hallway into the room on the left, a large bedroom consisting of a double bed against the wall and a dresser overflowing with clothes. On the other wall was a small makeshift shrine and a pile of clothes bundled up in what looked like a makeshift bed.

Now this stranger didn’t seem like the type of person to want to be thrown into a pile of dirty, fur covered clothes so Eteri opted to heave her onto the bed.

Eteri gently positioned her so she was more comfortable, lying on her back with one arm crossed over her chest, the other at her side. The woman… she almost looked dead. Eteri couldn’t even see the faint rise and fall of her chest.

“If you is dead I not moving again. Nevin can deal with.” The woman muttered as again, she pressed the pad of her index finger against the strangers nose.

Would it be immoral if Eteri were to splash some blood around? The woman insisted on not wanting to harm anyone or to ingest blood but technically...she wasn’t. Eteri was harming herself and if she just so happened to splash some blood around and some just so happened to land in the womans mouth, well. That was gravity and fate at work now wasn’t it? <”Clear conscience then…”> Eteri muttered as she walked over to the pile of clothes on the opposite side of the room.

Eteri began rummaging through the clothes. She knew she had a small dagger somewhere… And...there! Beneath a pile of Nevin’s sweaters. He was looking for them the other day...but she wouldn’t tell him. Eteri pulled out a small sheathed dagger, she pulled off the leather covering and padded back over to the stranger.

She could hear hear heart thumping hard against her chest, the sound ringing in her ears. It wasn’t hard...and it wouldn’t hurt that much but still… the adrenaline of actually causing herself was admittedly a bit of a rush.

Standing over the peaceful woman now Eteri clutched the small dagger tighter. How should she do it? The palm of her hand would hurt too much… and whist she could produce virtually thrice as much as any mortal man...if she slit a vein it may just be too detrimental to her. Eteri rose her arm and in a quick decisive moment ran the dagger along her forearm. Blood began to pool then trickle down her arm in little crimson rivers. Eteri couldn’t help but smile at the scene. Whilst morbid.. It reminded her of the crimson plains. One day… she’d go there with Nevin. He promised to take her there...the place she dreamt about, but now… now was not the time to think about such things. Eteri leaned forward and waved her arm to and fro over the woman, splattering her with red.

Oh look...some fell onto her lips.




Maybe now she wouldn’t be so bothersome with her ‘I need to eat fake stuff’ routine.