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    Hayate_Amatsukami's Avatar


    Hayate Amatsukami

    The Road to Recovery

    This story takes place directly after the events of my last solo found here. Enjoy.
    Life became hard for the former lord of Yukon in the recent weeks. He hadn’t recovered the strength to leave the care of the Lolitch family. They were a sweet farming family who toiled away working the rich earth to provide for their little community. Hayate had been bed ridden for the last fourteen days dealing with infection and constant pain. The wounds from his battle against Hiruzen were sever, the worst he had ever been given. Unlike his fights in the Citadel the monks didn’t revive him to full health, this was real life.

    Sitting against the nightstand next to him was Hayate’s sword Yamato. His spirit guardian hadn’t spoken to him in some time now and it was begging to bug the samurai. Why hadn’t he been able to talk to his friend and ally? Was it something he did? Was this permanent?

    Hayate hadn’t ever been without Yamato’s guiding presence and for the first time truly felt lost and alone. He curled up in his bed as best he could trying not to press to hard against his surgical scar. The gravity of his situation started to bring the young swordsman down as his mind wandered. He thought about how many things could have gone wrong for his friends as they fled the state of Akashima. He thought about how the other noble families would defame him and his name. He simply thought about how his life was going to change from here on out.

    Honestly he was just happy to be alive.

    “Oh you’re up,” a big breasted woman said as she walked into Hayate’s little room carried a basket of bandages and other medicinal items. “I guess you should be getting your strength back little by little. I should be surprised how quickly you’re healing, considering the state we found you in and how hard you clung to life.”

    “Thanks Delanie,” Hayate said not knowing how else to respond. If it weren’t for Delanie and the rest of the family the young swordsman wouldn’t even be here. “I swear that I will repay every ounce of kindness you have shown me.”

    “Well before you can do that you need to get better. It’s time to change the bandages.” She said as she began to undo crusty blood stained wrappings he had around his left shoulder. With each layer she removed it sent almost unbearable shoots of pain to his head. He bit his lip and proceeded. “You should be able to get back on your feet in a few days. But for now just let us treat you wounds.”

    If Hayate would have made it to Whitevale maybe they could have saved his arm, or even Radasanth. But out here in the hills it was the best their doctors could do to save his life. There wasn’t anything they could do about his mangled tatter limb when they found him. After coming to terms with it Hayate thought about how this could be playing a role in why he hasn’t been able to speak to Yamato. Only time would tell.
    Last edited by Hayate_Amatsukami; 06-24-2018 at 11:43 AM.

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