To say that the former lord of Yukon was distrusting of armed guards and soldiers would be an understatement. Until now the only people whom he had dealt with were the men of the Shogun’s army. And after their assassination attempt Hayate found it hard to believe that the people they viewed as sentries and vanguards of good weren’t anything more than organized thugs. The former lord quaked with anxiety as the caravan grew closer to the gate of the city and closer to the guards that patrolled it.

After a few more hours the trader’s caravan had reached the sprawling gates of the capital of Corone. It was dark now and the only people to greet them as they entered were the hand full of guards that monitored the comings and goings of the main gate. They seemed to be observant enough as they eyeballed about everyone who came in more or less. Hayate was still on edge though as he passed through customs but managed to hold himself together and draw any unwanted attention to himself.

It wasn’t that he thought that he may have been fallowed but in light of his discoveries in Akashima the young lord was skeptical that all soldiers were alike. They were out to make money to feed their families, which meant blindly fallowing the directions of their superiors. It was a dangerous combination when the need for supplies and food outweigh the personal morals of people. Regardless of his conflicting opinions Hayate made it through into the vast capital.

To the young swordsman’s surprise there were still plenty of people up at this hour. As he walked through the marketplace on his way to the Silver Cup Hayate payed close attention to the faces that passed him. Even now, this far from Akashima, he was paranoid someone might have been watching him. The Silver Cup was the name of small tavern Shinsou spoke of the last time they met and was probably the best place to start looking for him. Maybe he could at least get some information out of someone in the joint.

It wasn’t a very hard place to find.

“Come in, sit where you like.” A young bar maiden said greeting Hayate at the door, a she was a real looker too. With her passionate red hair and bright blue eyes the young lass was an exotic beauty, as far as he was concerned. He could already see why Lord Osiris was fond of this little place, between the friendly staff and less than refutable patrons it was sure to be a hell of a lot of fun at time.

Hayate made his way to the bar resting all his weight on his right arm. Even after all the time he spent with the Lolitshes Hayate was still a very weak man. After a few deep breaths the young lord looked up to the man behind the bar and ordered a stiff pint. First things first after all he needed to numb the pain.