It was a very nice gesture of Jacob, as Hayate later learned the barkeeps name, to comp a room in the Silver Cup for the one-armed man for the night. To say that it was a hole in the wall would be an understatement but at least for the first time in weeks Hayate felt safe. As he sat on his bed and relaxed for the first time in a while the young lord thought back to the events that had transpired recently. Even just the thought of Hiruzen made the pain from his shoulder intensify and pulse though his body. Maybe in time he could work though this but for now it was debilitating.

The sounds of the streets still filled the air even at such an early hour of the morning. Hayate found it hard to even close his eyes but he forced himself to. He wasn’t a very strong man by himself but he didn’t show a level of self-control fighting the urge to drink his sorrows away in the bar below. Even it was the smart thing to do in this riches to rags situation he was in. Finally sleep overcame the boy and he drifted into a deep slumber.

Sleep well master…

The next morning came quacking and Hayate figured he only got about four or five hours’ worth of sleep. It was enough though as he had a very busy day ahead of him and couldn’t afford to sleep the day away. He quickly dressed himself and left the Silver Cup in search for some a man Jacob recommended he find while he was in town. While they were chatting last night Hayate mentioned that his weapon had been damaged in his last fight and Jacob said Mitch was the best man in town to look at it.

Mitch was another member of the Brotherhood that operated a small shop across town where he and his brothers worked the forge for a number of people. He was told to look out for the huge sign of a half-naked woman hitting an anvil with a hammer. The directions were simple enough and Hayate found the armory in practically no time. As he approached the store he could hear the loud clangs of steel hitting steel and he knew that he found the right place.

Inside there was a rather lengthy line of customers ahead of Hayate all watching as the three brothers worked on their items. While there were a bunch of people in front of him Hayate didn’t have to wait long before as the bothers worked so quickly that they had all been helped in only an hour. Normally that would ring and alarm in his head but based on how Jacob talked about Mitch and the Bovov brothers this didn’t really surprise him that much.

“Alright brother,” Mitch yelled out pointing to Hayate. “You’re up next.