Hayate walked over to and unhooked Yamato from his waistband placing it on the counter top before him. Mitched looked at the beaten man and then at his weapon before grabbing it by the sheath and picking it up. He seemed to be guessing its weight by the way he held it in his palm. Hayate observed the man from head to toe and found the filthy Brotherhood insignia on his work shirt. It was small and covered with black soot and god knows what else but it was there.

“This is a very nice sword,” he finally said to Hayate as he unsheathed Yamato and began to study its craftsmanship. “It must be from Yukon by the looks of these etchings.”

“It is,” Hayate was surpised how quickly Mitch Bovov came to that conclusion. It was true that some of the finest weapons came out of Akashima but to be able to narrow down the exact district is a talent not many others had. “Looks like I came to the right place.”

“I’m the best with a hammer in all of Radasanth.” The dirty man said with passion. He seemed to be a jolly guy in his mid to late forties. His brothers looked to be a number of years younger than him maybe in their late twenties the two of them. He clearly was the head of the shop and his brothers his apprentices.

“Then please,” Hayate said opening up the top fold of his robe to show the patch Jacob sewed in to Mitch. “I’d like it restored.”

“Then it’s your lucky day my friend. There is an account open for just such occasions and this won’t cost you a cent.” Mitch said as he quickly turned and left for the forge a few feet behind him in the rear of the store. He must have had some kind of agreement with the brotherhood because when he returned after a few minutes of tempering the katana he refused to take any form of gold Hayate offered. That must be one of the perks of being in such an organization. Even still as Hayate was leaving the armory he left behind a small stack of gold pieces as a tip for the man fine work.

It was mid-day by the time the one-armed man left the forge and as he walked back across town started to crave a hearty meal. It was just his luck that there were a number of food carts and street vendors about so finding something wouldn’t be very hard. Finally the boy settled on a large mouthwatering hunk of lamb that looked too good to pass up. After that the day seemed to get away from him as he toiled around the city doing what he could to prepare to leave for Whitevale as soon as possible.