Harrington eyed the man, nodding slightly as the warrior came to his decision. It was one of limitation, but he saw in the warrior's eyes that it was what he desired, truly, for now, despite the plethora of choices before him that Harrington could provide. Back straightening, the blacksmith took up the two blocks of material again and nodded once.

"Six hundred fifty then as a final offer for your titanium wakasashi. Come back though, if you wish your old sword there a second life. Though ... the day might be not as fair. Depends. Could be my son looking after the shop then."

He gave the warrior a smile and began to duck back into the forge. Taking in the warmth of the great coals and fumes for a moment he paused, and thought about his family, how he wished his son would inherit all this as the warrior out there had inherited the sword. Carefully he moved, and placed down the raw metal before looking and finding a simple, small curved blade for the man outside. He lifted it with reverence, then twisted and walked out, holding it up with its fine simple leather scabbard.

"Here's a weapon for you, for now, friend," he said. "As I say, come back when you feel you have the money for the grand old thing and we will forge that spirit back into your blade."

650 gold taken from Hayate for a titanium wakasashi (small blade). This thread is closed for now but may be linked to for a second trip to Harrington Smyth later.