Upon seeing the man strung up in the air by his own vitae I immediately hid behind Nevin. I shut my eyes tight and buried my head into the mid of back. I was afraid, I was scared of that man and everything he had taken from me. I still had nightmares about it sometimes and would wake up screaming and crying for Nevin. The times he was there he’d quickly calm me… but those nights he was away… that hurt the most.

Threads wrapped around me, pulling me close and holding me tight against Nevin's back, and I could feel them coiling and clinging to me, hanging onto me, and protecting me.

I didn’t want to be weak. I didn’t want to be so afraid. I was his priestess, it was my job to protect him. I shouldn’t be. This was nothing more than a man. I had hugged an angry god…. So dammit I could do this. I took a few deep breaths to calm my breathing. I could still feel my heart pounding in my ears as I stepped away from behind Nevin and instead stood at his side. The far wall held a banquet and my ears swiveled to it. “Is you having feast?” I asked.

“Indeed, my lady, we are, in your honor.”

I nodded. This was good. I’d use this as a distraction and to show Nevin how strong I could be. I turned to him with a smile. “Eteri will get us some food.” He tilted his head to one side but before he could do anymore I had pulled away from him and his threads, following one of the men dressed all in white as he lead me to the far table.

“Miss, it is lovely to see you again. I do hope you hold no ill will toward us. We merely enjoy artwork at its finest.” The man turned to look at me, I couldn’t see his eyes from behind the mask. His soul wasn’t… bad… it had swirls of yellow and orange and red, but it wasn’t good either. “All Eteri want is to serve Nevin and be with Nevin.” I paused. “He is a god so you be nice to him.” The man laughed softly. “Miss, we want nothing but to serve you both. You are the true works of art. We still long to see you painted red.” He paused as he gestured toward the lavish display of food.

I looked over the table, aware that the man had picked up two plates and gestured for me to load them up. So I did. I started with meats for me. I ripped off the bones and meats from a large roast duck and piled it onto my plate. For Nevin I gave him more of a variety, roast potatoes, some strange red stuff that smelt like berries, corn, meat. He always insisted on eating well. Finally a single apple on top of the mish-mash of food. “There.”

The man gave me a small bow. “Excellent miss. Take a glass for each of you and lets return to your Master.” I nodded and picked up two full champagne glasses. I sniffed one. “What is?”

We were walking back to Nevin now, I could tell he was antsy, in a way I was too. Sure he wasn’t too far away, and we were in nothing more than a large warehouse that had been converted into some twisted gallery… but… these people were all too willing to watch me die.


“Eh!?” I looked up at the man.

“Liquid Ambrosia. Try some.”

I glanced back at the two glasses I was carrying. I sniffed one. Its bubbles tickled my nose. It was sweet… like honey. I took two sips from it. It… it was… it was like honey. Liquid honey that had a burning sensation as it went down my throat, then when it sat in my stomach it felt like my entire body erupted in a tingling warmth.”What… what is this?” I asked.

We had arrived in front of Nevin who gave me a curious look. I grinned and passed him his own glass. “Is like honey. Like nickname you used to call me.”

Nevin took the glass and sniffed it, one blood red eyebrow raising. He took a slow, steady sip, and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened the again, he promptly took my glass from me, giving me a stern glare when I started to protest. “We can have this later, Eteri. Potent alcohol like this might affect the procedure, and I do not want anything unexpected happening here.”

“But….taste nice…” I whined.

The man who escorted me to the food interrupted, holding the plates in front of us. “My mistake Master, I did not think of that. Please. Enjoy yourselves.”

I grumbled. “Not hungry.” And… I wasn’t, we had eaten before we came and whilst I was enticed by the grand display, being denied something I wanted put me in a sour mood. Nevin rarely denied me what I wanted. It wasn’t fair. I huffed and crossed my arms in front of me. “Am fine.” Nevin turned his gaze onto me his eyes narrowed.

“Eteri.” His voice was firm as he stared steadily at me. “You know that alcohol while I work is not allowed. This time it extends to you as well.” Nevin gestured to the food. “Eat.”

I huffed and grabbed the plate of meat from the man and sat myself down on the floor. “FINE.” I went to take a bite.

“Ah! No. No Miss please…” Before I could the man took my food away, right out of my hands as he gestured for me to stand. “Please, here…” He gestured for us to follow. We weaved in and around the crowd till we reached the pool of red-tinted water. I wrinkled my nose. I may not be hungry, but I wanted it now because I was being denied it.

The man gestured to a lavish throne chair atop an elevated pedestal before the lake. “Please, you two must dine here.”

“Fine..” I mumbled as I climbed the several stairs and sat on the smaller cushion by the throne. I figured that was for me, and the larger chair was for Nevin. He was the god after all, and it was strikingly similar to my dream. Although my dream didn’t involve this nasty place. I reached out for my plate of food and was handed it instantly. I grumbled as I grabbed a meaty turkey leg and bit into it.

Nevin sat in the throne, hesitating for only a moment as he studied it with an odd expression on his face. Then it smoother led out and he sat down, setting the two glasses of alcohol on the far side of the throne from me, well out of my reach. He took the plate of food he was offered, and began slowly eating it with one hand - because his other hand was gently stroking my hair. It had been an automatic motion, as soon as his hand was empty his fingers were running across my head.

I stopped eating and let the plate sit in my lap, the moment I was done with it, it was taken from me by another masked man. It was difficult to differentiate them all. They were so strangely attentitive to my needs. Not as much as Nevin though. I leaned into his gentle minstrations. WHatever ire I felt earlier began to dissipate. “Eteri like this….” I mumbled.

“You belong at my side, love.” Was the calm comment from Nevin as his dark eyes scanned the large warehouse. His touch shifted from gentle strokes to a massaging, scratching motion. His palm brushed my ears while his fingers worked around the base of them, then he was massaging my scalp. He seemed distracted, still. I didn’t overly mind. “Yes. I do.” I said proudly. Knowing I had remembered to use the proper pronouns this time. “Will always be at your side.”

“.... Yes. Yes, you will.” His red eyes locked onto me, his attention fully on me then and there, a heavy weight as he stared into me. There was an odd, quirked smile on his lips. I returned it with one of my own, I lifted my body, wanting to lounge in his lap but paused as we were interrupted.

“Ah...I’m so happy to… to do this for you.” A voice commented from below. I shifted my gaze from Nevin down to a familiar face. It was the drunk man from earlier. He cleaned up rather well. He wore a white suit, much like the rest of the patrons. Come to think of it… where did all these white things come from?

“Miss Eteri, its an honor to know my life will be sacrificed to prolong yours.” He gave me a low sweeping bow. “Preparations are complete and we will begin whenever you are ready, Master.”

I huffed and turned back to Nevin, leaving the cushion I shifted on my hands and knees till I sat in front of him, then I placed a head gently in his lap. I wouldn’t let these people ruin this wonderful feeling running through me.