evin looked over his shoulder at her, pausing in his humming for a moment as she came in. A slow smile curved his lips as he flipped one of the skewers. He knew that she was trying to distract herself from her arousal - the bathroom encounter had gotten to her just as much as it had gotten to him. He let out a deep breath - he wasn’t going to let her. Being frustrated was exactly how he wanted her. Crimson threads slid along the floor, then coiled around her legs, sliding up her smooth skin, massaging as they went. He kept one eye on her to watch her reaction as they brushed along the bottom edge of her shorts. She stiffened and glared at him.
“So, pet. Where would you like to go tonight? Just walk around the town? Is there something in particular you want to see, or just… A need to burn off some energy?” It felt good to be.. In control again. As he spoke, his threads slid under her clothes, and he reveled in the feeling of her soft skin.

“F… Fo-forest.” She squeaked as her fists clenched. Her cheeks reddened and it was clear she was doing her best to keep herself from melting into his touches. The redhead hummed in thought for a moment, and let his threads wriggle and squeeze beneath her shorts, but kept them outside of her underwear - for now.

“Oh? Away from other people then. To - our cave?” His voice softened for a moment, from the teasing tone as he turned his head fully to look at her.

“Something like that.. “ she pouted as she leaned forward and rested her chin on the table. “Nevin is this appropriate? “ He raised an eyebrow, before he looked around them slowly, then locked his eyes onto hers. He flipped the skewers once, then turned the heat down as he stalked over to her, his pace slow and methodical. Red-lined fingers stroked her hair, then he leaned down.

“We are in our own home. But more than that - since you returned my soul to me, I've been feeling more myself than I have in a while. More - confident.” He raised an eyebrow as she frowned at him.

“And.. And yourself is a sexual deviant?” Her words sounded annoyed but her body responded to his gently touches and she didn't attempt to pull away.

“For you, with you, yes. I crave you, my Eteri. You are mine, and I am yours, and I find myself no longer concerned with who sees that. There might be some places where it is not appropriate - but I was sick of having to restrain myself from giving you affection because other people were disgruntled with it.” His voice actually was a bit angry there as he spoke. “I like having you hugging and touching me, draped across me as we do things. Tell me, love.” He leaned closer. “Do you actually want me to stop this?” His threads squeezed her tighter as he asked his question.

She made the cutest noise then shook her head. She may fight it but she clearly enjoyed this. Enjoyed his touch and dominant nature. He kissed the top of her head, then her lips, before he straightened back up and returned to the stove. His threads remained coiled around her, squeezing her thighs and her ass gently and rhythmically as he turned back up the heat. He started humming again, in time to the squeezing of his threads as he put the finishing touches on the skewers. Deft hands brought down plates and he flipped skewers onto each one - one set of skewers was fairly balanced between meatballs and vegetables, while the other was clearly heavier on the meat than on the vegetables.

Nevin set this second plate down in front of Eteri, as he sat down at the head of the table. “Make sure to eat everything, pet. I don't want you skipping on the vegetables.” As he spoke, he picked up one of the skewers and bit into the rabbit meat, his dark eyes watching her as he ate. She ate everything, reluctantly so. Every time she swallowed a morsel of vegetable he'd squeeze her tight as a reward. They finished their meal in near silence, with only her squeeks and murmurs to break it.

He took the plates and skewers and set them in the sink, rinsing them off quickly but not bothering to fully clean them. He turned his attention to the catgirl who was staring at him with wide eyes, then tilted his head to the side as he hummed in thought. “Hmm. I… Love. Do you feel like you're missing something?” His voice was soft as he stepped closer to her, and his fingers brushed her neck gently. His eyes were locked onto hers as he unconsciously held his breath.

“Always. Not having soul of own. Why?“ He let out his breath sharply, a laugh torn from him as he shook his head. He hadn't thought of that at all, and it seemed Eteri was not on the same trail of thought as him. Still -

“We will figure something out there, my pet. I know there are ways to germinate a soul if you have something to work with - and you have some, and I would readily give you some of my own as well.” He drew in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. He hadn't dared really entertain the other thought since that damnable Stefan - but now, he felt like it was.. Safe again. “And I was asking because - I wondered if you wanted a.. Collar again.” There. He'd said it, and in an even tone of voice. Though he wouldn't be offended if she reacted poorly to the suggestion.
Her ears swivelled forward and her pupils dilated before slowly returning to their normal state. He knew he had said the wrong thing. He waited for it, waited for her to pull away from him and get snippy to leave without him in a huff.

The chair slid out as she stood. Nevin let his tendrils fall away from her. He felt worried, concerned. She gave him a small smile then took his hands in her own and squeezed them. “If that what Nevin want. Eteri no mind. Ah… I don’t mind. I don’t mind wearing one for you. One condition. No give me your soul. That yours. Okay?”

Nevin shook his head sharply. His other hand came up and cupped her cheek, before he leaned his forehead against hers. “No, love. No. You won't wear one again. For anyone.” His voice was thick with - a gamut of emotions. Concern, fear. “I'm sorry. I should have -”

She blinked in response. “But. Like idea of wearing one for you?” Her head tilted and she looked clearly confused. “Is I say something not right? Translation not good?” He blinked a few times himself and pulled back, confusion dancing across his own features.

“I… No I don't think you said anything wrong. Maybe - not enough but I'm.. Not sure.” He was running their conversation through his head and his breath hitched. “Wait. Do you not mind - or would you like to? Not -..” He cleared his throat. <”You don't feel you have to because I'm making you?”> He needed to listen to her and Stare talk in Akashiman more. ‘Making’ wasn't what he had wanted to use there, but he didn't know the word for ‘forcing’ or for ‘coercing’.

<”Nevin. If I felt you were forcing me I’d tell you. I always do!”> She went on a small tangent that Nevin wasn’t really paying that much attention to, he was still replaying the prior conversation in his head. <”You make me do so many things I don’t want! Eating vegetables, showering! Helping people, getting off the counter… and each time I tell you what I feel. I always do. Why would now be any different?”> he blinked and refocused his dark eyes on her, and then he let out a small, tremulous laugh that turned into a strange kind of laughter that sounded - like he was relieved. He wiped at his eyes with the back of one hand, and gave her a fond, warm smile.

“It wouldn't be, I suppose. I - sweet flow. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm glad I did.” He pulled her into a hug, crushing her against his chest. “And as for - as for your ‘condition’ since I didn't respond to it before. I wouldn't give you the whole thing, lover. I'd give you a part. I've heard that some believe that -’

“NO!” She snapped and then he felt her teeth sink into the flesh of his chest. He let out a hiss of pain and raised an eyebrow.

“Would you let me finish you minx?” He gave a slightly strained chuckle as he stared down at her. When she didn't let go, he tentatively continued. “I have heard in the past, that there are those who believe that a child gets their soul from parts from their parents, they take a small part from each parent and it grows into their own. That's where my thought came from, nothing more. OK?” While he normally thoroughly enjoyed Eteri biting him, this time she had done it to punish him, not in a playful way.

She made a disgruntled noise before pulling away. Her cheeks puffed out. “When is we going for walk?” He sighed and shook his head once, then kissed her nose.

“Alright. You'll only get my soul to fix it, OK? And - let me get a new shirt, this one is a bit… Holey.” He gave a weak chuckle. He gave her a squeeze before slipping to the bedroom - unsure if she'd follow him back or not. The alchemist peeled his shirt off and dropped it. To one side - it would need to be fixed before it could be worn again, Eteri’s sharp teeth had done a number on it. No blood, but that was more to do with his pulling all the blood off of the shirt and holding it against the teeth marks. “Damn. What do I wear?” The question was said under his breath - because most of his shirts were dirty at the moment. The only ones that weren't - had been subjected to Eteri’s sewing efforts.

“Could not wear shirt.” I heard her voice from the doorway. She was peering into the room, tail flicking side to side. “Eteri notice it is fashion...uhm...no...I? I notice it is fashion lately because summer.” The redhead blinked several times, and looked down at his chest, then up to her, and quirked one eyebrow upwards in amusement. He slowly slid one hand down his chest to his stomach, resting it on the upper edge of his pant line as one side of his mouth curled upward.

“So, should I do it for fashion, or for you, love?” He said languidly, watching her with an amused light dancing in his eyes. He was glad that she'd smoothed out her displeasure from the discussion of souls, if her suggestion was anything to go by.

“Both. Can do both.” She bounced with her words. Clearly back to being overly energetic. Nevin chuckled and shook his head slowly stretched out as he watched the jiggle that came with her bouncing. It actually took him a moment to bring his thoughts back into focus as he shook his head again, trying to clear away the slight haze of arousal from watching her.

“Well, it is certainly warm enough now for me to go shirtless, and not suffer from it. And I take it you'll help make sure no one gets any ideas from seeing me?” One edge of his mouth quirked upwards in a smirk. He was well aware that his girlfriend was just as possessive as he was - and if she thought someone was ogling him too much, she'd be all over him in a moment to stake her claim. Especially as close to her cycle as she was right now - there was the chance that she'd be hard pressed not to mount him in public if she thought someone else was flirting with him. Now, granted, he had certain advantages that would help keep her satisfied even if she did get too amorous in public. The advantages of having extendable parts of his anatomy that could be rather discreet when needed.

So as he let her think about that, the redheaded alchemist pulled back on his jacket, letting it hang open. It had far too many pockets filled with random useful trinkets for him to just leave it behind - but leaving it open left his chest and stomach bare for Eteri’s appreciative eyes. Now ‘clad’ in attire, he moved over to the small cabinet and pulled out the necklace collar that he and Eteri had picked up so long ago. She had never gotten a chance to really wear it - right after they bought it was when that twisted bastard Stefan had kidnapped her, and since then Nevin had been too reticent to bring it up. Eteri had said she didn't mind, now, though, so maybe it was alright. He turned around to her and spun it around one finger as he waited for her.