"Can I just get a-"

Ulrich was trying and failing to get the attention of the bartender for something that would distract him from the situation. The situation that was only getting louder and less appealing as the traveler shrunk in on himself and stared intently at the wooden pattern of the bar infant of him. Swirling knots and inlaid lines almost hypnotic. Rising and falling with the steadily growing ruckus of the bar. Pulling into a revere that whispered promises of not being part of the entire situation.

Excuse me..

The half spoken words tugged at Ulrich's attention, turning his head to witness his dark skinned neighbor of the bar, attempt to address the room to roughly zero success.

His eyes slid down the woman, to the stack of papers that covered the elve's section of the bar. He made no attempt to hide his interest, she was clearly drunk with an empty glass where just a moment ago there was a full one. His eyes read what he could, scrawling of theory and hypothesis covered the paper. The hints of ink from the bottom of the pile read much more clearly and with higher reasoning than the near scrawls that had been placed there most recently.

Take it outside!!!

Ulrich winced and his ears rang with this new assault. It was a surprising volume to come out of the stranger who looked almost frail. Then she surprised him again. She stood up, and walked towards the fight. Drunkenly slurring as she went. Almost straight to the biggest and meanest looking brawler in the tavern. She was going to get hurt.

Or not. Who knew?

His attention moved back to the top of the bar. A stack of secrets now abandoned and calling out for rescue. Ulrich was in Lily's bar stool, digging to the bottom of the pile. A great smash resounding throughout the room, glass scattering across the bar room floor and the first few assaults were thrown that would turn a bar room brawl into a small skirmish. a lot of power was going to be thrown around and Ulrich was on edge more than ever. Looking over his shoulder, the door was still blocked. There was however a new opening at the far side of the bar. All he would have to do is get past the goat lady and what looked like three different fighters, a kid, and an unconscious orc. All while not engaging with anyone.

Easy? Sure, if he was tiny and could fly.

The bar shook as the dark skinned woman was returned, all the worse for wear. The Coronian gave a grunt and turned back to the ruckus. Ulrich was frozen for a moment, torn between helping this stranger and being elsewhere. Ulrich didn't move. Instead he turned back to the bar, curiosity providing another distraction from the building violence. Instead focussing on the early scrawling on the papers infont of him. Some of it was self evident, to Ulrich at least, Some of it was inspired. So inspired, to him, that they found their way inside Ulrich's overcoat while he looked over the room, planning a way out that didn't get him into an unmatched fight. There was going to be blood. and he sure as hell didn't want it to be his.